netdecking with the stars
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70 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Hajar, Loyal Bodyguard Vitg1 Duel Commander Duel Commander @ Shandalar (Porto Alegre, Brazil) 3-4 07/09/24
Phlage, Titan Of Fire's Fury Phongpera Duel Commander Draw7 Masters - Open series #7 @ Thailand 2 28/07/24
Will / Rowan Juca Duel Commander [RC] 7º Torneio @ Tower of Cards (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) 1 05/11/22
Will / Rowan Juca Duel Commander [RC] 12º Torneio @ Manavai (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 1 22/10/22
Dihada, Binder of Wills Diego "dmyr" Rio Duel Commander DC REM @ Rouen (France) 2 16/10/22
Saheeli Elisson Primo Duel Commander Torneio Real Vanguarda @ Bangu (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 2 30/01/22
Saheeli, The Gifted Jan Kousal Duel Commander #1 Untap Warm-Up @ Hradec Kralove (Czechia) 5-8 11/12/21
Keranos, God Of Storms Sebastian S. Duel Commander [DDL] Duel Lounge @ Darmstadt, Germany 2 14/06/18
Keranos, God Of Storms Alexander Sidorov Duel Commander Citadel-Volgograd 14th BD Party 5-8 08/07/17
Keranos, God of Storms Alan Baculpo Duel Commander Philippines Super Series 2016 - 8th Leg (Cubao, Philippines) 5-8 19/11/16
Thraximundar Claudio Barrera Duel Commander Clash of Commander Titans 12 (Temuco, Chile) [30HP] 2 06/11/16
Keranos, God of Storms Sidorov Alexander Duel Commander Duel Commander in Citadel - Volgograd [20HP] 5-8 05/11/16
Keranos, god of storms André Escudeiro Duel Commander Duel Commander Mensal @ Academia de Jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) [20HP] 5-8 05/11/16
Daretti, Scrap Savant Giuseppe di Vincenzo Duel Commander Pescara [30 HP] 3-4 26/10/16
Thraximundar Claudio Barrera Duel Commander CoCT 10 (Temuco, Chile) [30HP] 1 23/10/16
Keranos, God of Storms Guilherme Figueira Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal - Academia de Jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) [20HP] 5-8 20/10/16
Keranos, God of Storms Guilherme Figueira Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal - Academia de jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) [20 HP] 5-8 13/10/16
Daretti, Scrap Savant Szymon Wiaderny Duel Commander Commander Copernicon 2016 2 17/09/16
Keranos, God of Storms Matteo Sangiorgi Duel Commander Commandergeddon #6 Trial by Warpstone (Milano, Italy) 5-8 04/09/16
Keranos, God of Storms Vasile Beruica Duel Commander Commandergeddon #6 Trial by Warpstone (Milano, Italy) 5-8 04/09/16
Keranos, God of Storms Martial "Mars" Moreau Duel Commander Duel Commander (St Nazaire, France) 1 28/08/16
Daretti, Scrap Savant Floriano Maria Mangelli Duel Commander Summer is Magic - Palantir (Molfetta, Italy) 1 20/08/16
Keranos, God of Storms Alexander Sidorov Duel Commander Happy Birthday Citadel - Volgograd 1 30/07/16
Keranos, God of Storms Andrea Agnese Duel Commander Commandergeddon Trial 5-8 10/07/16
Jhoira of the Ghitu Akenamon Daher Duel Commander Duel Commander Mensal - 09/07 - Academia de Jogos 5-8 09/07/16
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