netdecking with the stars
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145 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Sythis, Harvest Hand Austin Madrilejos Duel Commander MH3 Tourney @ Paolos Kubo (Rizal, Philippines) 2 30/06/24
Atla Palani David Silva Duel Commander League Duel - 3th Event @ GGLounge (Viseu, Portugal) 3-4 16/02/24
Jetmir, Nexus Of Revels Primo Duel Commander [RC] 6º torneio ManavaiBR @ Manavai (Campo Grande-RJ, Brazil)) 3-4 25/05/22
Phylath, World Sculptor Juca Duel Commander RC3 Tower of Card @ Bangu (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) 2 14/05/22
Phylath Juca Duel Commander 2 Liga Real Commander @ Bangu (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 1 20/11/21
Titania Ciprianovic Duel Commander Trial Master Zap @ La table des jeux (Quimper) 5-8 08/03/20
Titania Jean-louis Collet Duel Commander DC @ ludis factory (Pontivy, France) 1 27/10/19
Titania, Protector Of Argoth Ciprianovic Duel Commander October's Commander @ Nantes (France) 3-4 27/10/19
Titania, Protector Of Argoth Mirko G. Duel Commander [DDL] Lounge League @ Darmstadt, Germany 2 20/06/19
Titania Vedenin Roman Duel Commander League 9 Duel Commander @ Volgo Games 5-8 16/06/19
Titania, Protector Of Argoth Mirko G. Duel Commander [DDL] Lounge League @ Darmstadt, Germany 3-4 09/05/19
Titania, Protector Of Argoth Martin Vlnas Duel Commander DCM April 2019 3-4 01/05/19
Titania, Protector Of Argoth David Brinek Duel Commander 8th Prague DC tournament @ Prague 5-8 02/03/19
Titania Vedenin Roman Duel Commander Winter Commander @ Biblioteka Volgograd 5-8 09/02/19
Titania, Protector Of Argoth Xu Zinan Duel Commander 70th "New Year Cake" Cup @ Shanghai 1 13/01/19
Titania, Protector Of Argoth Nicolas Monnier Duel Commander Duel Commander @ Jeux Barjo, Bordeaux 2 06/01/19
Titania Alexandre Leroyer (zankou) Duel Commander Trial ZAP janvier (HA) @ Amiens 2 15/12/18
Titania, Protector Of Argoth Xu Zinan Duel Commander 66th "New Year Cake" Cup @ Shanghai 1 24/11/18
Titania Alexandre Leroyer (zankou) Duel Commander Trial ZAP novembre (HA) @ Amiens 1 27/10/18
Titania, Protector Of Argoth Alex Dulawan Duel Commander Duel Commander @ Playground Hobby Cafe (Philippines) 3-4 06/10/18
Titania Fabrice Knittel Duel Commander Legendary Tournament Commander @ Ottersthal 2 23/09/18
Titania Timothé Turko Duel Commander Legendary Tournament Commander @ Ottersthal 5-8 23/09/18
Titania, Protector Of Argoth Daniel Lind Duel Commander MP - Monthly Duel Commander 2 23/09/18
Titania Sophie Masurel Duel Commander DCDocks 2 @ Le Havre 2 21/09/18
Titania Alexandre "zankou05" Leroyer Duel Commander ZAP Septembre @ Palaiseau 3-4 16/09/18
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