netdecking with the stars
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52 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Doran, The Siege Tower Clément Merceron Duel Commander Monthly Duel @ La Règle du Jeu (Tours, France) 3-4 04/03/23
Jared Carthalion Leandro Floresta Duel Commander [RC] Semanal Cards of Paradise @ Cards of Paradise (Rio de Janeiro) 3-4 18/01/23
Atraxa, Praetors' Voice Baptiste Berbille Duel Commander Les Chroniques du Commander DC @ Discord 7 24/04/21
Saskia The Unyielding Victor Burghi Duel Commander 4° FNM House of Cards em Casa @ Santos (Brazil) 3-4 17/07/20
Anafenza The Foremost Sebastian Dill Duel Commander 2nd Duel-League @ Leipzig 2 29/05/19
Tymna / Thrasios Justo Chacon Duel Commander Monthly Duel Commander @ Carta'jeu (Lyon, France) 1 27/05/19
Tymna Thrasios Justo Chacon Duel Commander Angelic Tournament Commander 9 @ Valence (France) 1 19/05/19
Niv-mizzet Reborn Yao Yao Duel Commander 80th "New Year Cake" Cup @ Shanghai 2 18/05/19
Doran, The Siege Tower Sejer Friis Duel Commander MP - Monthly Duel Commander @ Holbæk (Denmark) 1 14/04/19
Partner Tt Moondust Duel Commander Carta'Jeu DC - FNM DEC @ Lyon Carta'Jeu 3-4 21/12/18
Akiri / Reyhan David Cihak Duel Commander Bohemia DC Prague 7th @ Prague @ Prague 2 24/11/18
Tymna - Thrasios Justo Chacon Duel Commander Angelic Tournament Commander 7 @ Valence (France) 5-8 04/11/18
Tymna - Thrasios Pierre Pinoli Duel Commander Angelic Tournament Commander 7 @ Valence (France) 3-4 04/11/18
Tymna - Thrasios Moondust Duel Commander Angelic Tournament Commander 7 @ Valence (France) 1 04/11/18
Tymna Thrasios Aluren Justo Chacon Duel Commander ZAP octobre @ Palaiseau 3-4 21/10/18
Tymna / Thrasios Kevin Lemarchand Duel Commander DCDocks 2 @ Le Havre 1 21/09/18
Tymna Thrasios Aluren Justo Chacon Duel Commander ZAP Septembre @ Palaiseau 5-8 16/09/18
Tymna & Sidar Felix M. Duel Commander [DDL] Duel Lounge @ Darmstadt, Germany 1 30/08/18
Saskia Jan Jilek Duel Commander Bohemia Duel Commander 5th @ Prague 3-4 09/06/18
Saskia Honza Jílek Duel Commander Bohemia duel commander @ Prague 2 26/05/18
Tymna & Sidar Felix M. Duel Commander [DDL] Duel Lounge 1 05/04/18
Thrasios Tymna Aluren "moondust" Duel Commander Duel commander (St Nazaire) 4 25/03/18
Tymna & Sidar Felix M. Duel Commander [DDL] Duel Lounge 1 15/03/18
Atraxa, Praetor's Voice Stéphane Rogard Duel Commander Warning tournament Fatality 2 (WTF 2) 5-8 08/10/17
Doran, The Siege Tower Michael Guezzo Diaz Duel Commander Gatecrashers 15k Duel Commander Tournament (Quezon City, Philippines 5-8 20/08/17
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