netdecking with the stars
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63 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Mono Blue Aggro Jay Hughes Pauper Monthly Tournament @ New Zealand MTG Community 3-4 13/10/24
Mono Blue Aggro Ph_sans Pauper Tropical 204 5-8 12/10/24
Izzet Faeries Blind Pauper Monthly Tournament #29 @ Paper Pauper Magic Discord 9-16 31/07/23
Mono Blue Aggro Haoya Pauper Tropical 141 5-8 15/07/23
Mono Blue Aggro Simone Sanino Pauper Lega Pauper Tappa 04/07/2023 3 04/07/23
Izzet Fae Blind Pauper Monthly Tournament #28 @ Paper Pauper Magic Discord 9-16 25/06/23
Mono Blue Aggro Alessio Audizi Pauper Big Side Event - Paupergeddon Pisa @ Dungeon Street (Pisa, Italy) 5-8 20/06/23
Mono Blue Aggro Haoya Pauper Tropical 136 3-4 10/06/23
Mono Blue Aggro Alessiod Pauper Finale LPR - Sfida dei Campioni - Spring '23 @LegaPauperRoma 1 28/05/23
Mono Blue Aggro Hermes_moreira Pauper Fuguete Champ 135 3-4 22/05/23
Mono Blue Aggro Haoya Pauper Tropical 133 5-8 20/05/23
Mono Blue Aggro Opitoquinho Pauper Torneio do Weber 3-4 16/05/23
Mono Blue Aggro Tiagofuguete Pauper Tropical 132 5-8 13/05/23
Mono Blue Aggro Bragioto Pietro Pauper Pauperstruck 2023 @ LPPC (Niviano, Italy) 1 06/05/23
Mono Blue Aggro Haoya Pauper Tropical Pauper 128 2 15/04/23
Ur Skred Hayden Ronayne-dubock Pauper Pauper Showdown 2 @ Dice Saloon (Brighton, UK) 3-4 08/04/23
Mono Blue Aggro Stefano Barbieri Pauper 2ª tappa di Lega - 4th Season @ Lega Pauper Martesana 3-4 28/03/23
Mono U Faeries Stefano Barbieri Pauper 2nd Event Martesana S4 @ Gessate (Italy) 3-4 13/03/23
UR Skred Brivenix Pauper MTGO Challenge 1 11/03/23
Ur Skred Rodrigo Dionissa Pauper 3º Paupernal 2023 @ JGS Team (Jaraguá do Sul, Brazil) 3-4 07/03/23
UR Skred Brivenix Pauper MTGO Challenge 9 05/03/23
UR Skred Brivenix Pauper MTGO Challenge 3 04/03/23
UR Skred Toggen Pauper MTGO League 2 08/02/23
Mono Blue Aggro Nelsonoliveir4 Pauper Torneio do Weber 1 24/01/23
UR Skred Toggen Pauper MTGO League 5 18/01/23
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