netdecking with the stars
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31 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Kari Zev Nhald Adia Duel Commander DC East League @ Contemporary Nook (Marikina City, Philippines) 1 31/07/22
Kari Zev, Skyship Raider Nhald Adia Duel Commander DC @ Fulcrum Esports Hub (Cainta Rizal, Philippines) 3-4 12/06/22
Kari Zev, Skyship Raider Lucas Santos Duel Commander RC Semanal Cards of Paradise @ Cards of Paradise (RJ, Brasil) 1 25/05/22
Klothys, God Of Destiny Fred Macedo Duel Commander RC Semanal Cards of Paradise @ Cards of Paradise (RJ, Brasil) 2 25/05/22
Kari Zev, Skyship Raider Thales Duel Commander [RC] 6º torneio ManavaiBR @ Manavai (Campo Grande-RJ, Brazil)) 3-4 25/05/22
Kari Zev, Skyship Raider Lucas Santos Duel Commander RC Semanal Cards of Paradise @ Cards of Paradise (RJ, Brasil) 2 18/05/22
Klothys Gabe Enriquez Duel Commander Win a Dual Land @ Mana Underground (Lagro, Philippines) 3-4 03/05/22
Kari Zev Nhald Adia Duel Commander Duelan sa TG @ Marikina City (Philippines) 2 30/04/22
Klothys Gabe Enriquez Duel Commander DC Weekly @ Mana Underground (Lagro, Philippines) 1 02/04/22
Klothys Gabe Enriquez Duel Commander FNM @ Dragon's Lair (Maceda, Philippines) 2 25/03/22
Zurgo Bellstriker Jackson Azarcon Duel Commander GP Manila 2017 Duel Commander 5-8 03/06/17
Zurgo Leonardo Guastapaglia MTGO Commander Mensal MTGO Commander @Academia de Jogos 2 27/05/17
Zurgo Bellstriker Filippo Pizzichini Duel Commander Quinta Tappa Lega Eternal @ Dal Tenda Perugia 2 20/03/17
Zurgo Bellstriker Alexander Efimov Duel Commander Krasnodar Winter League 2017 3-4 14/03/17
Zurgo, Bellstriker Yannis "demonium" Henrion Duel Commander Carta'Jeu - Duel Commander Fevrier 1 26/02/17
Zurgo Bellstriker Kenny Dits Duel Commander Christmas Tournament Gobl'Ain (Ain, France) 2 18/12/16
Zurgo Bellstriker Mark Anthony Biala Duel Commander Duel Commander Philippines 2016 Year End Tournament 5-8 11/12/16
Zurgo Bellstriker Arne Menting Duel Commander Duel In The Castle (Paderborn, Germany) 1 20/11/16
Zurgo Bellstriker francisco babicsak Duel Commander Liga DC Comando Gmes 1 13/11/16
Zurgo Bellstriker Antonov Valentyn Duel Commander Duel Commander in Citadel - Volgograd [20HP] 3-4 05/11/16
Zurgo Timothé Courant Duel Commander Duel Commander [20HP](St Nazaire, France) 2 30/10/16
Zurgo Bellstriker Paolo Jose Panganiban Duel Commander Philippines Super Series 2016 - 5th leg (Marikina, Philippines) 5-8 25/06/16
Zurgo Bellstriker Leonardo Araujo Duel Commander Duel Commander Mensal - 11/06 - Academia de Jogos 1 11/06/16
Zurgo Bellstriker Iwan Fournier Duel Commander DC - Chez le voisin (Tours) 3-4 22/05/16
Zurgo Bellstriker Leonardo Araujo Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal - 12/05 - Academia de Jogos 3-4 12/05/16
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