netdecking with the stars
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304 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Red Deck Wins tamir1313 Pioneer MTGO League 1 08/03/25
Narset, Enlightened Exile Luca Morelli cEDH Homunculus Tournament @ Milano (Italy) 1 08/12/24
Narset, Enlightened Exile Alessio Faustinelli cEDH Sacred Circle at POD (noproxy) @ Pot of Demons (Castelfranco Emilia, Italy) 3-4 05/05/24
Hot Dogs Yanmattew Pauper Fuguete Champ 181 3-4 15/04/24
Dargo + Jeska Jeremy Eckhoff cEDH 1v1 Tournament of Champions #26 @ OP Comics and Games (Santa Rosa, CA) 3 28/10/23
Esior, Wardwing Familiar + Rograkh Niko Gomez cEDH 1v1 Tournament of Champions #26 @ OP Comics and Games (Santa Rosa, CA) 6 28/10/23
Arcee, Sharpshooter // Arcee, Acrobatic Coupe Domino Duel Commander DC Monthly October 2023 @ Chroniques Du Commander Discord Server 3 23/10/23
Boros Aggro Powerrangel Explorer Torneio Aniversario de Membros 155 @ BLACKMANAMTG 3-4 29/09/23
Rakdos Midrange Ofuchi Shunpei Pioneer The 12th God of Pioneer Tournament @ TC (Tokyo, Japan) 9-16 28/09/23
Balmor, Battlemage Captain Julien Schneider Duel Commander DC Event @ Carta'Jeu (Lyon, France) 5-8 10/09/23
UR Murktide azatoyellow Modern MTGO Preliminary 5 28/08/23
Balmor, Battlemage Captain Julien Schneider Duel Commander Emraclette #5 @ Chambéry (France) 2 27/08/23
Boros Aggro Kumonn Syunn Pioneer Cup @ Fukuoka (Japan) 3-4 20/08/23
Balmor Paul Duel Commander DC Cassoulet 7 Topdeck Company @ Guyajeux (Angoulême, France) 3-4 30/07/23
Izzet Phoenix Grosbug Pioneer WPN qualifier Lille @ magicfrag (aubagne, France) 5-8 22/07/23
Boros Aggro Gurix Explorer Torneio @ BlackManaMagic 2 15/07/23
Balmor, Battlemage Captain Gabiel Santana Duel Commander Regular DC Geek Shoop @ Recife (Brasil) 3-4 11/07/23
Balmor, Battlemage Captain Alexandre Benac Duel Commander Event "Tarmogoyf 30th" @ Carta'Jeu (Lyon, France) 1 09/07/23
Balmor, Battlemage Captain Bomber_tam Duel Commander Les Chroniques Du Commander @ Twitch 5-8 30/06/23
Izzet Fênix Leopoldo S. Pioneer Duck's Club @ Talca (Chile) 3-4 24/06/23
Izzet Control Shadowz2005 Pioneer MTGO Challenge 12 10/06/23
Izzet Arclight Hui Douglas Pioneer Champions Cup Store Qualifier @ Hareruya (Sapporo, Japan) 3-4 20/05/23
Boros Aggro Kumon Shun Pioneer Champions Cup Qualifiers @ Bigred (Japan) 1 14/05/23
Creativity TristanJWL Pioneer MTGO Preliminary 3 11/05/23
Balmor, Battlemage Captain Timothée Hoffman Duel Commander UTC @ universal games (Cavaillon, France) 5-8 22/04/23
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