netdecking with the stars
If you submitted an event this weekend, please read this.
• Event
• Deck
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• Format
• Level Professional
• Decks must contain following cards
Main deck Sideboard
• Period
325 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Red Deck Wins Dafore Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 6 10/09/16
Red Deck Wins rocknrollpart5 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 3 08/09/16
Red Deck Wins rocknrollpart5 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 5 07/09/16
Red Deck Wins Dafore Standard MTGO Standard Champs 7 05/09/16
Red Deck Wins los69 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 1 01/09/16
Red Deck Wins ShowTime_ Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 2 14/08/16
Red Deck Wins Dafore Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 9 11/08/16
Red Deck Wins a_p_s Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 8 11/08/16
Red Deck Wins Josep M. Standard PPTQ Honolulu @ Industria 61 (Barcelona, Catalunya) 8 03/07/16
Mono Red Clemens Gerteiser Standard TOP Series #3 Amsterdam 2 25/06/16
Red Deck Wins goblinboy53 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 4 12/06/16
Red Deck Wins TeamRevolution Standard MTGO Standard Champ Qual 1 13/05/16
Mono Red Cristian Guerrero Standard Tio Orco Shadows over Innistrad Game Day 5-8 30/04/16
Atarka Red sandydogmtg Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 10 26/04/16
Red Deck Wins Agata Takeru Standard Standard @ Hareruya 1 13/04/16
Red Deck Wins Tom Maxwell Standard RPTQ Lincoln (Nebraska) 1 21/02/16
Atarka Red andycsoto Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 8 16/02/16
Red Deck Wins eyeofugin Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 4 12/02/16
Atarka Red WillyBlake Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 10 29/01/16
Atarka Red Butakov Standard MTGO Standard Daily 1 28/01/16
Atarka Red lisunyang Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 9 26/01/16
Atarka Red AlfredoTorres Standard MTGO Standard Daily 1 25/01/16
Atarka Red pie Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 4 24/01/16
Atarka Red Zack Phillips Standard SCG Standard Open - Atlanta 17-32 24/01/16
Atarka Red Michael Wingard Standard PPTQ Area 51 @ Grapevine, Texas 3-4 23/01/16
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