netdecking with the stars
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1353 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Mono White Control SilvergillLord Standard MTGO League 4 17/12/24
Mono White Control K Ohta Explorer 18th Dreaming Cinderella Project V Open @ Masuwaka Nicole 2 15/12/24
Phélia, Exhubérant Shepherd Olivier Laplaud Duel Commander DC de Noël - Win a Biland @ Artefacts (Bordeaux, France) 5-8 15/12/24
Mono White Control RogeDeckWins Standard MTGO Challenge 64 9 15/12/24
Mono White Control SolarPotato Standard MTGO League 8 15/12/24
Mono-white Caretaker Maverick Finn Standard RCQ @ Gamerz Pair-A-Dice (San Antonio, TX) 1 15/12/24
Mono White Control Tanaka Yū Standard Champions Cup Store Qualifier @ Niigata (Japan) 1 14/12/24
Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd Frederick Vigneau Duel Commander Championship #3 @ Queimada (Montigny-le-Bretonneux, France) 2 14/12/24
Mono White Control BARNYARD Standard MTGO League 1 14/12/24
Mono White Control Jjordan314 Standard RCQ @ Round Table Games (Lawton, OK) 1 14/12/24
Mono White Control InterludeShadow Standard MTGO Challenge 32 15 12/12/24
Mono White Control TentacleFan Standard MTGO Challenge 32 13 12/12/24
Mono White Control SolarPotato Standard MTGO League 3 12/12/24
Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd Hamuda Duel Commander MTGO CoreyB's Duel Commander Trial 3 10/12/24
Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd boytriton Duel Commander MTGO CoreyB's Duel Commander Trial 8 10/12/24
Zur, Eternal Schemer Monsimaister28 Standard Rapsolo's Arena Tournament 5-8 10/12/24
Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd luinil Duel Commander MTGO CoreyB's Duel Commander Trial 5 09/12/24
Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd xJCloud Duel Commander MTGO CoreyB's Duel Commander Trial 2 09/12/24
Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd luinil Duel Commander MTGO CoreyB’s Trial 5 09/12/24
Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd Rex_Iudex Duel Commander MTGO CoreyB’s Trial 1 09/12/24
Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd xJCloud Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander League 6 09/12/24
Mono White Control OscarPapa Standard MTGO League 3 09/12/24
Mono White Control votenader Standard MTGO League 5 09/12/24
Mono White Control SilvergillLord Standard MTGO League 6 09/12/24
Mono White Control TacticalWreck Standard MTGO League 8 09/12/24
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