netdecking with the stars
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115 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Isamaru Kelig Maze Duel Commander Focus Commander League #7 @ Agen (France) 5-8 03/03/24
Kytheon, Hero Of Akros Dennis Venier Duel Commander Glass City Duel Commander #5 @ Toledo Game Room (Toledo, OH) 2 13/08/23
Kytheon, Hero Of Akros Dennis Venier Duel Commander Glass City Duel Commander #3 @ Toledo Game Roomm (Ohio) 2 23/07/23
Kytheon, Hero Of Akros Dennis Venier Duel Commander Glass City Duel Commander #1 @ Toledo Game Room (Toledo, OH) 3-4 25/06/23
Adeline, Resplendent Cathar Kauan Duel Commander [RC] 10ª Liga Real Commander @ Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) 5-8 26/10/22
Anafenza, The Foremost Bruno "bruxão" Duel Commander Real Commander do Bruxão @ Loja do Bruxão (Nova Iguaçu/RJ) 2 15/04/22
Isamaru, Hound Of Konda Bastien "isakami" Guichard Duel Commander A Kind of Magic 3 @ Riorges (France) 5-8 17/10/21
Isamaru Bastien "Isakami" Guichard Duel Commander FACT #1.b @ Lyon (France) 9-16 19/09/21
Boros Knights Jojo Francisco Modern Event @ Marikina City (Philippines) 3-4 13/06/21
Kytheon, Hero Of Akros Paul Relativo Duel Commander Duelan sa TG @ Marikina City (Philippines) 3-4 05/06/21
Kytheon Paul Relativo Duel Commander Duelan @ Tapped Games (Marikina City, Philippines) 1 29/05/21
Isamaru, Hound Of Konda Gilabend Duel Commander DC Les Chroniques du Commander @ Discord 5 28/05/21
Kytheon, Hero Of Akros Paul Relativo Duel Commander Duelan sa TG @ Marikina City (Philippines) 2 22/05/21
Heliod, Souverain Du Soleil Nicolas Rabillard Duel Commander Duel commander mensuel @ Sortilèges (Saint Denis, Ile de la Réunion) 1 04/09/20
Isamaru Core 2021 Bastien Guichard (isakami) Duel Commander Win-a-fetch @ Carta jeu (Lyon, France) 3-4 12/07/20
Isamaru Bastien Guichard Duel Commander DC Wold Cup : Peru Vs France @ Cockatrice 3-4 24/05/20
Isamaru Bastien Guichard Duel Commander Event Cockatrice #4 @ France 3-4 08/05/20
Kytheon, Hero Of Akreos Midas! Duel Commander bitzel's DC on CKK April @ Cockatrice 2 19/04/20
Kytheon Lukas Kulhanek Duel Commander duel o Dual @ Poděbrady/CZ 5-8 15/02/20
White Weenie Cilbert Corpuz Duel Commander Saturday Duel Commander @ Fulcrum ESports (Philippines) 2 15/02/20
Isamaru Bastien Guichard Duel Commander monthly win-a-box @ carta'jeu (Lyon, France) 3-4 09/02/20
Isamaru, Hound Of Konda Philip E. Duel Commander [DDL] Lounge League @ Mannheim (Germany) 2 08/02/20
Heliod, Sun-crowned Alexander Smirnov Duel Commander After Biblioteka tournament @ Volgo Games 2 02/02/20
Ww Michael J Highlander Alte Kaserne Winterthur @ Winterthur 1 31/01/20
White Weenie Cilbert Corpuz Duel Commander Saturday Duel Commander @ Tapped Games (Marikina, Philippines) 5-8 11/01/20
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