netdecking with the stars
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29 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Sultai Control Snow Dylan Botten Standard Gentry ! @ The Gentry Magic League 1 16/03/21
Sultai Snow Control Kobe Keymeulen Standard Gentry ! @ The Gentry Magic League 3-4 16/03/21
Golgari Snow Aggro Richard Moreau Standard Gentry ! @ The Gentry Magic League 3-4 16/03/21
Golgari Aggro Eric Verbraeken Standard Gentry ! @ The Gentry Magic League 5-8 16/03/21
Golgari Aggro Richard Moreau Standard Gentry ! @ The Gentry Magic League 3-4 09/02/21
Jund Saitama Pauper Singleton ! @ Battle of the Brews 5.0 1 02/02/21
Bg slowbro1 Limited MTGO Sealed ZNR Block Champ Qual 3 10/01/21
UGr eyalorel Limited MTGO Sealed ZNR Block Champ Qual 4 10/01/21
WG Dave_Finkle Limited MTGO Sealed ZNR Block Champ Qual 8 10/01/21
Bg Dashik Limited MTGO Sealed ZNR Block MOCS 1 04/01/21
GW UrsaMajor Limited MTGO Sealed ZNR Block MOCS 6 04/01/21
GU xXGimmliXx Limited MTGO Sealed ZNR Block MOCS 7 04/01/21
Bg Phill_Hellmuth Limited MTGO Sealed ZNR Block MOCS 4 03/01/21
UG fluffy21 Limited MTGO Sealed ZNR Block MOCS 7 03/01/21
Bg odlewnik Limited MTGO Sealed ZNR Block Champ Qual 8 30/11/20
GR Enter Limited MTGO Sealed ZNR Block Champ Qual 4 23/11/20
GU kitchenfink Limited MTGO Sealed ZNR Block Champ Qual 8 23/11/20
GW UrsaMajor Limited MTGO Sealed ZNR Block Champ Qual 1 22/11/20
GU FedSmoker Limited MTGO Sealed ZNR Block Champ Qual 7 22/11/20
GR Phil_Ivey Limited MTGO Sealed ZNR Block Champ Qual 4 25/10/20
GUB jacksad Limited MTGO Sealed ZNR Block Champ Qual 5 25/10/20
GR bolov0 Limited MTGO Sealed ZNR Block Champ Qual 8 25/10/20
BGr Veveil Limited MTGO Sealed ZNR Block Champ Qual 5 19/10/20
UG BERNASTORRES Limited MTGO Sealed ZNR Block Champ Qual 4 12/10/20
BGw Outpost316 Limited MTGO Sealed ZNR Block Champ Qual 5 12/10/20
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