netdecking with the stars
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• Decks must contain following cards
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267 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Esper Control Dylan Kirkpatrick Standard Star City Games Classic @ Dallas, TX 5-8 01/09/19
Azorius Mill Jesse Jasper Neyra Standard Monthly Store Championship @ Back to Games (Abu Dhabi) 5-8 30/08/19
Gates-pearl Harbor Kylle Combista Standard Monthly Store Championship @ Back to Games (Abu Dhabi) 3-4 30/08/19
Boros Aggro indistructable Standard MTGO Standard League 5 19/08/19
Esper Control Dylan Kirkpatrick Standard Star City Games IQ @ Lewisville 2 17/08/19
Boros Aggro masahiko Standard MTGO Standard League 8 08/07/19
Bant Arianne Standard MTGO Standard League 8 20/06/19
Esper Control Alexander Hayne (hayne) Standard Mythic Championship III Las Vegas Other 19/06/19
Esper Control Piotr Głogowski (kanister) Standard Mythic Championship III Las Vegas 20 19/06/19
Bant Aggro Takashi Iwasaki (tanaka) Standard Mythic Championship III Las Vegas Other 19/06/19
Bant Ramp Will Chiang Standard NRG Series CT @ Gurnee, IL 1 15/06/19
Esper Control Tanner Kneisly Standard SCG IQ @ San Antonio 1 15/06/19
Esper Control Autumnlily Standard Fandom Legends 3-4 13/06/19
Esper Control Emerald000 Standard Arena Super Cup Invitational - Printemps 2019 2 12/06/19
Jeskai Planeswalkers Soedjadi Sentosa Standard Battle of Nexus @ Surabaya (Indonesia) 1 09/06/19
Esper PW Nick Moore Standard SCG Invitational Roanoke 16 08/06/19
Boros Aggro Tommy Evaristo Standard MCQ Barcelona @ Roanoke 5-8 07/06/19
Bant Aggro AzoriusRog Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 10 06/06/19
Esper Walkers Joseph Riccardi Standard MCQ Barcelona @ Kingslayer Games (Fountain Valley, California) 5-8 02/06/19
Gate Control Christopher Japinga Standard SCG Standard IQ Catskill 4 02/06/19
Jeskai Superfriends Douglas Bailey Standard MCQ Barcelona @ Mage's Sanctum (Austin, TX) 2 01/06/19
Jeskai Walkers Douglas Bailey Standard MCQ Barcelona @ Mage's Sanctum (Austin, Tx) 2 01/06/19
Jeskai Planeswalker Martin Jůza Standard MPL Spark Split Week 4 1 29/05/19
Jeskai Planeswalker John Rolf Standard MPL Spark Split Week 4 1 29/05/19
Esper Superfriends Adrian Schrenk Standard MCQ Barcelona @ SpielRaum (Wien) 2 26/05/19
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