netdecking with the stars
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41 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Loam Peppe Legacy MTGO League 8 30/11/24
Thalia And The Gitrog Monster Jiateng Xiong Duel Commander BuBan S2 Qualifier #6 @ Buban Club (Shanghai, China) 2 31/03/24
Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes Kris Sullivan cEDH 1v1 Tournament of Champions #29 @ OP Comics and Games (Santa Rosa, CA) 7 27/01/24
Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes Kris Sullivan cEDH 1v1 Tournament of Champions #28 @ OP Comics and Games (Santa Rosa, CA) 5-8 30/12/23
Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes Alex Stabiner cEDH 1v1 Tournament of Champions #25 @ OP Comics and Games (Santa Rosa, CA) 5-8 30/09/23
Titania, Protector Of Argoth Thomas Hirtz Duel Commander FNM Hiveworld @ Cologne (Germany) 2 06/03/20
Klothys, God Of Destiny Duelcastermage Duel Commander DCM Feb 2020 @ XMage 3 23/02/20
Titania, Protector Of Argoth Francis Tabangura Duel Commander Tournament For a Cause @ Mana Underground (Quezon City, Philippines) 3-4 24/08/19
Titania Alexandre "zankou" Leroyer Duel Commander Rebound Master ZAP @ Palaiseau 14 07/07/19
Titania Alexandre Leroyer Duel Commander Trial Master ZAP @ Amiens (France) 2 22/06/19
Titania Jean Alexis Lequoque Duel Commander Angelic Tournament Commander 7 @ Valence (France) 5-8 04/11/18
Titania, Protector Of Argoth Daniel Lind Duel Commander MP - Monthly Duel Commander 2 23/09/18
Titania Sophie Masurel Duel Commander DCDocks 2 @ Le Havre 2 21/09/18
Titania, Protector Of Argoth Sejer Friis Duel Commander MP - Monthly Duel commander @ Holbæk, Denmark 1 29/07/18
Titania, Proctector Of Argoth Jasper Nielsen Duel Commander Magic Player - Month duel 2 08/10/17
Titania, Proctector Of Argoth Alex Preuss Bloch Duel Commander Magic Player monthly Duel-tournament 2 24/09/17
Nissa, Vastwood Seer Steviegets MTGO Commander MTGO Commander League 2 30/08/17
Nissa, Vastwood Seer hetare_ane MTGO Commander MTGO Commander (1 v 1) Challenge 6 20/08/17
Titania, Protector of Argoth Luminize MTGO Commander MTGO Commander League 7 04/06/17
Titania, Protector of Argoth Luminize MTGO Commander MTGO Commander League 5 24/05/17
Titania, Protector of Argoth mangfu MTGO Commander MTGO Commander League 4 21/05/17
Titania, Protector of Argoth zhangjialiang MTGO Commander MTGO Commander League 7 16/05/17
Titania, Protector of Argoth calvinoxie MTGO Commander MTGO Commander League 6 13/05/17
Titania, Protector Of Argoth Ricardo Wada Duel Commander Liga Commander Spellbox - Semanal 1 20/02/17
Titania, Protector of Argoth Ricardo Wada Duel Commander Duel Commander Mensal @ Academia de Jogos 5-8 07/01/17
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