netdecking with the stars
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77 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Selesnya Ramp TheCorrupter Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 8 16/08/18
Selesnya Ramp MasonClark Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 2 09/08/18
Selesnya Ramp Bocho Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 11 30/07/18
Temur Ramp Redz Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 4 09/07/18
BG Nagao Naoki Standard Environmental national game "Dominaria" 3-4 30/06/18
Bant Control Evgeniy Katkov Standard PPTQ Atlanta 2018 @ Tortuga Store, Samara, Russia 2 30/06/18
Hour of Promise Golgari mrprtrcr Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 5 28/06/18
Sultai Midrange newdayzzz Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 2 18/06/18
4c Ramp Antti Humalamäki Standard Team Trios Constructed @ Sensei's Divining Shop, Tampere, Finland 3-4 17/06/18
Golgari Ramp Corrado De Sio Standard Pro Tour Dominaria (Richmond) 01/06/18
Ramp Control Tommaso Magnoli Standard PPTQ Atlanta - La Rocca @ La Rocca di Darsheyalon - Montecatini 3-4 27/05/18
Golgari Aggro jonazo Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 8 17/05/18
Bant Approach Anthony Adams Standard PPTQ @ For the Win (Galesburg, IL) 2 06/05/18
Bant Approach Michell Martins Standard PPTQ Inside Games @ Inside Games 3-4 28/04/18
Golgari Aggro Joao_Andrade Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 8 16/04/18
Jund Control Murilo Mazza Standard PPTQ @ Avalon store Americana 1 15/04/18
Hour of Promise Sultai Zio_Paperone Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 3 05/04/18
Selesnya Ramp firestart3r Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 3 29/03/18
Approach Convergence Rod Osal Standard PPTQ @ Magus Games Cebu 5-8 25/03/18
Rg Converge Oscar Romero Standard PPTQ @ Game Vault El Paso 5-8 24/03/18
Selesnya Ramp Michaele Teppa Standard PPTQ Minneapolis 5-8 24/03/18
Golgari Control solace Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 1 19/03/18
Golgari Dinosaurs Nathan Lothamer Standard PPTQ @ First Turn Games (Cedar Rapids, IA) 7 17/03/18
Abzan Control WingedHussar Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 7 15/03/18
Selesnya Ramp Redz Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 8 08/03/18
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