netdecking with the stars
If you submitted an event this weekend, please read this.
• Event
• Deck
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• Format
• Level Professional
• Decks must contain following cards
Main deck Sideboard
• Period
65 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
U/r/b Control Ivan Kokorin Standard Nationals - Russia 2017 5-8 17/09/17
Temur Tower _EvaNs Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 1 20/04/17
Temur Tower Brivenix Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 6 17/04/17
Temur Tower Alain Hortillosa Standard GPT Manila @ Neutral Grounds Cash and Carry 5-8 16/04/17
Temur Tower TShalev Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 3 13/04/17
Temur Dynavolt Elie Soubeyrand Standard Link Super Challenge 14 3-4 09/04/17
Temur Tower Rusherlol Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 4 31/03/17
Temur Tower Thejjuggler10 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 4 26/03/17
Temur Tower Thijs Van Der Meer Standard PPTQ Standard 3-4 26/03/17
Temur Tower MTGblee Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 3 24/03/17
Temur Tower Victor Fernando Silva Standard Grand Prix Porto Alegre 2017 1 19/03/17
URG Colja Würdemann Standard PPTQ Magickeller Hannover 6 19/03/17
Temur Tower Sebastian Wilde Standard PPTQ Magickeller Hannover 4 19/03/17
Jeskai Tower Austin Mowrey Standard SCG Dallas Classic 5-8 12/03/17
Izzet Dynavolt jdez Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 8 11/03/17
Temur Tower Bradley Barclay Standard Grand Prix Barcelona 2017 - Trial Winners 1 10/03/17
Izzet Control Deunan Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 8 09/03/17
Temur Tower egdirb Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 1 07/03/17
Temur Dynavolt ChubToad_ Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 6 06/03/17
Temur Dynavolt oskiyaa Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 7 05/03/17
Jeskai Saheeli Thiago Garca Standard LCQ AKH @Bazar de Bagdá 3-4 04/03/17
Izzet Dynavolt Catnapper Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 3 03/03/17
Temur Dynavolt MrCafouillette Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 4 02/03/17
Jeskai Saheeli Thomas Johnson Standard SCG Classic Indianapolis 5-8 26/02/17
Izzet Control Tirentu Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 5 25/02/17
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