netdecking with the stars
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114 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Selesnya Token Luigi Magnani Standard PPTQ Honolulu@ La Rocca di Darsheyalon 5-8 15/05/16
Selesnya Token Simone Brizzi Standard PPTQ Honolulu@ La Rocca di Darsheyalon 2 15/05/16
Selesnya Token Massimo Mustone Standard PPTQ Honolulu@ La Rocca di Darsheyalon 1 15/05/16
Bant Company Simone Brizzi Standard PPTQ Sidney 2016 Montecatini Terme (Italy) 3-4 13/03/16
Gruul Beats Thomas Koch Standard Nationals - Germany 2007 5-8 29/08/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] TarmoFolk Standard National Qualifier 2008 - Salzburg / Austria 15/06/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] Doran and the Lord of the Rings Standard National Qualifier 2008 - Coimbra / Portugal 14/06/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] Doran Standard National Qualifier 2008 - Moita / Portugal 14/06/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] G/W Aggro Standard National Qualifier 2008 - Oxford / United Kingdom 06/06/08
[Decks Top 8 - T2] Doran Standard The New Jersey Open 31/05/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] G/W Aggro Standard National Qualifier 2008 - Rome / Italy 25/05/08
Doran Nico Bohny Standard Pro Tour Hollywood 2008 5-8 25/05/08
[Decks Top 8 - T2] WGR Juniper Combo Standard National Qualifier 2008 - Moscow / Russia 24/05/08
Seismic Swans Peter Smout Standard National Qualifier 2008 - Brisbane / Australia 1 18/05/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] Burn Standard National Qualifier 2008 - Helsinki / Finland 18/05/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] GWb Doran Standard National Qualifier 2008 - Tokyo I / Japan 11/05/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] G/W Aggro Standard Shadowmoor Inaugurals 03/05/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] Doran the Explorer Standard ManaNation Standard Tournament 12/04/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] Doran Rock Standard ManaNation Standard Tournament 12/04/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] Doran Standard National Qualifier 2008 - Buenos Aires / Argentina 08/04/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] Mono Red Standard Championnats Régionaux 2008 - Lorraine 06/04/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] Doran Rock Standard Championnats Régionaux 2008 - Lorraine 06/04/08
Kithkins Sven Bamberger Standard Iserlohn April 2008 - Standard 5-8 06/04/08
[Decks Top 8 - T2] Kithkin Standard National Qualifier 2008 - Brussels / Belgium 06/04/08
[Decks Top 8 - T2] Doran the Explorer Standard $1000 Standard Open 06/04/08
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