netdecking with the stars
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99 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Sythis, Harvest's Hand Buia Duel Commander CLM - 2ª Etapa Duel 500 @ Barão Geek House (Campinas, Brazil) 2 13/09/24
Sythis, Harvest's Hand Austin "sb Lord" Madrilejos Duel Commander Pipty Kiaw Gaming @ Pugee Pugees Crib (Rizal, Philippines) 2 25/08/24
Sythis, Harvest's Hand Austin "sb Lord" Madrilejos Duel Commander SNM @ Frances Teresa Garden Mansion (Rizal, Philippines) 2 24/08/24
Sythis, Harvest's Hand Austin Madrilejos Duel Commander 100 kiaw tourney @ Pugee Pugees Crib (Rizal, Philippines) 2 11/08/24
Sythis, Harvest's Hand Austin Madrilejos Duel Commander FNM kasamaan tourney @ Frances Teresa Garden Mansion (Rizal, Philippines) 2 09/08/24
Sythis, Harvest's Hand Austin Madrilejos Duel Commander Habagat Tourney @ Pugee Pugees Crib (Rizal, Philippines) 1 28/07/24
Sythis, Harvest Hand Austin Madrilejos Duel Commander MH3 Tourney @ Paolos Kubo (Rizal, Philippines) 2 30/06/24
Gw Glitters Christopher Bondoc Pauper NHHS Pauper Sagad @ Nissa and Hikaru Hobby Shop (Cavite, Philiipines) 1 24/09/23
Gw Aura Christopher Bondoc Pauper NHHS Monthly Major Event @ Nissa and Hikaru Hobby Shop (Cavite, Philiipines) 3-4 27/08/23
Sythis, Harvest's Hand Rafael Varela Duel Commander Regular DC @ GeekShop (Recife, Brasil) 3-4 01/08/23
Weenie White Patey_07 Pauper Fuguete Champ 140 5-8 26/06/23
Karlov Of The Ghost Council Idji Duel Commander Vanaheim Tournament #2 @ Strasbourg (France) 2 20/05/23
Karlov Of The Ghost Council Blaise Jean-philippe - Idji Duel Commander Open Qualifier Lorraine @ Niderviller (France) 3-4 16/04/23
Mono-white Humans Bo Woolman Pioneer $2500 Ol' Cranky Man Team Trios @ Game Kastle (Ankeny, IA) 7 21/01/23
Mono-white Humans Aj Franklin Pioneer $2500 Ol' Cranky Man Team Trios @ Game Kastle (Ankeny, IA) 8 21/01/23
Karlov + Lurrus Noel Catilo Duel Commander Tournament @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 3-4 09/10/22
Karlov Aaron Blue Pumanes Duel Commander DC East League @ Tapped Games (Marikina City, Philippines) 5 27/08/22
Karlov + Lurrus Aaron Blue Pumanes Duel Commander Duelan sa TG @ Tapped Games (Marikina City, Philippines) 3 07/05/22
WW Aura Mizutani Mitsunobu Pauper Daily Tournaments @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 21/03/22
Karlov Cleber M. Vieira Duel Commander DuWell Commander @ Cúpula do Trovão (Pelotas, Brasil) 3 02/03/22
Karlov / Lurrus Frederic Sanchhez Duel Commander Magic Dreams Tournament @ Cavaillon (France) 3-4 25/07/21
Karlov Of The Ghost Council Matthieu Habersetzer Duel Commander DC Monthly @ Libourne (France) 2 12/06/21
Azorius Aura Patey_07 Pauper Tropical 3.01 5-8 01/05/21
Selesnya Sram Boucha Pioneer MTGO Pioneer Challenge 5 13/12/20
Monow Lurrus Phil_izzet Pioneer Royale 3-4 22/09/20
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