netdecking with the stars
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55 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Go-shintai Of Life's Origin Lucas Francisco Amorim Gerei Duel Commander CLM - 2ª Etapa Duel 500 @ Barão Geek House (Campinas, Brazil) 8 13/09/24
Go-Shintai of Life's Origin Bryan O Neil Ofrancia cEDH Commander $250 Limit @ Nissa and Hikaru Gaming Station (Cavite, Philippines) 3 16/07/22
Sisay, Weatherlight Captain Denny Luong cEDH CommandFest Richmond - VIP @ Star City Games 12 03/06/22
Go-Shintai of Life's Origin Matt Ricupero cEDH SCG CON Pittsburgh - Commander Celebration Package @ Star City Games 8 29/04/22
Go-Shintai of Life's Origin Donald Gross cEDH SCG CON Pittsburgh - Commander Celebration Package @ Star City Games 8 29/04/22
Go-Shintai of Life's Origin Samuel Hoffpauir cEDH Commander Celebration Package @ SCG CON Dallas 8 08/04/22
Go-Shintai of Life's Origin Yoshimura Tomoki cEDH Daily Tournaments @ Hareruya (Japan) 3 28/03/22
Breya, Etherium Shaper reqsamurai MTGO Commander MTGO Competitive Commander League 8 21/10/18
Duskmantle Guildmage "Boocat" Commander Pauper [Peasant] Online event 2 20/06/15
Dreadwing Zombie33 Commander Pauper [Peasant] Online event 1 17/01/15
Dreadwing "TheSource" Commander Pauper [Peasant] Online Event 1 08/11/14
Baleful Strix Philippe Commander Pauper [Peasant] CdF EDH Peasant (Lyon) 1 20/07/14
Thraximundar Dmitry Moiseev Duel Commander EDH1 @ BoM9 (Annecy) 5-8 03/05/14
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind Alexandre Villot Duel Commander EDH (Lille) 3-4 11/11/08
Enduring Ideal Carcara Giuseppe Legacy # Tarmo VS. Chino - Milano (Italy) 3-4 13/07/08
Enduring Ideal David Garcia Legacy # Liga Catalana de Legacy II (Spain) 5-8 19/04/08
Ideal Rémy Solna Extended PTQ Hollywood 2008 - Besancon 1 23/03/08
Ideal David Cook Extended PTQ Hollywood (Austin, Texas) 5-8 22/03/08
Ideal James Pirkey Extended PTQ Hollywood (Milford, Massachusetts) 5-8 22/03/08
Enduring Ideal Jimmy Sam Extended PTQ Hollywood - Lima 2 16/03/08
Enduring Ideal Federico Nocci Extended PTQ Hollywood 2008 - Bologna 1 16/03/08
Ideal Ben Moir, 8-1 Extended Grand Prix Philadelphia 2008 Other 15/03/08
Ideal Gianluca Bevere Extended Grand Prix Vienna 2008 5 15/03/08
Ideal Christophe Gregoir Extended Grand Prix Vienna 2008 9-16 15/03/08
Ideal Raul Ricart Extended Grand Prix Vienna 2008 9-16 15/03/08
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