netdecking with the stars
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30 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Anje Falkenrath Lorenzo Scalcinati cEDH Homunculus Tournament February @ Games Time (Carugate,Italy) 5-8 23/02/25
Anje Falkenrath Jordan Keith Larson cEDH AZMS cEDH Qualifier #1 @ Primetime Cards and Games (Gilbert, AZ) 5-8 08/02/25
Anje Falkenrath Jordan Keith Larson cEDH cEDH Monthly Tournament - Arcanum - February @ Arcanum (Tucson, AZ) 1 02/02/25
Anje Falkenrath Jason Scott cEDH Oahu Commander Invitational Qualifier @ IWinGames (Waipahu, HI) 3-4 29/12/24
Anje Falkenrath Francis Villanueva cEDH Year Ender's Battle For Taiga @ Trics Circle Of Hobbies (Parañaque, Philippines) 2 29/12/24
Anje Falkenrath Telmo Fernández Corujo cEDH Batalla por el Mox - Julio 5-8 06/07/24
Dimir Madness Nishtoo Pauper Event @ Barao Geek (São Paulo, Brazil) 1 24/05/24
Dimir Aggro Madness Nishtoo Pauper Event @ Barao Geek (São Paulo, Brazil) 3-4 17/05/24
Dimir Madness Nishtoo Pauper Event @ Barao Geek (São Paulo, Brazil) 5-8 10/05/24
Mono Black Aggro Zionslave Pauper Tropical Pauper 175 - 50 TIX De PremiaÇÃo 5-8 16/03/24
Mono Black Aggro Zionslave Pauper Royale 179 @ Brazil 5-8 07/03/24
Anje Falkenrath Oomsap Paladisai cEDH Commander of the Month @ The Tricker (Nonthaburi, Thailand) 9-16 24/02/24
Anje Falkenrath Jakub Uhlir cEDH #10 Untap-Multi (cEDH) @ UNTAP (Hradec Kralove, CZE) 4 22/07/23
Rakdos Madness Alessandro Vicardi Pauper 9th Event Martesana @ Gessate (Italy) 2 23/01/23
Anje Falkenrath Kitaguchi Katsuaki cEDH The best Commander competition ! @ Hareruya (Japan) 9-16 12/06/22
Anje Falkenrath Juca Duel Commander 6a Liga Real Commander @ Vanguarda (Bangu/RJ) 5-8 17/04/22
Black Burn Martinezmtg Pauper Fuguete League 6.05 5-8 02/02/22
Mono Black Madness Martinezmtg Pauper Fuguete League 6.03 5-8 19/01/22
WB Aegisaziz Limited MTGO Sealed MH2 Block MOCS 3 10/01/22
BU Gobo2009 Limited MTGO Sealed MH2 Block MOCS 6 10/01/22
RB tangrams Limited MTGO Sealed MH2 Block MOCS 1 09/01/22
UBr nathansteuer Limited MTGO Sealed MH2 Block Champs 1 02/01/22
Anje Falkenrath Hpoc cEDH Quest for the Cradle @ Lisboa (Portugal) 4 11/12/21
Necrologia Storm Neral Peasant Mtg-Peasant @ Cockatrice 1 01/12/21
BRw Joao_Andrade Limited MTGO Sealed MH2 Block MOCS 4 30/08/21
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