netdecking with the stars
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28 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Lord Skitter, Sewer King Paye Duel Commander Draw7 Masters - Open series #7 @ Thailand 3 28/07/24
Ashnod Flesh Mechanist Hugo Marques Duel Commander II Liga Duel Commander @ GGLounge (Viseu, Portugal) 2 09/03/24
Ashnod Flesh Mechanist Hugo Marques Duel Commander II League - GGLounge Duel Comm @ GGLounge (Viseu, Portugal 3-4 01/03/24
Kalitas Acelerado Duel Commander Commander @ Tower Of Cards (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 3-4 12/02/22
Esika, God Of The Tree Yalo Duel Commander DC Les Chroniques du Commander @ Discord 5-8 25/06/21
Yuriko, L'ombre Du Tigre Rémi "yul" Duel Commander DC Cassoulet #2 @ Les Arpenteurs d'Angoulême 3-4 24/02/19
Mardu Aggro Kevin Besta Canadian Highlander There Can Be Only One, Eh? @ Mox Boarding House Seattle 5-8 23/06/18
Golgari Constrictor Christian Wijaya Standard Pro Tour Dominaria (Richmond) 01/06/18
Golgari Constrictor JMM Standard MTGO Standard PTQ 3-4 27/05/18
Orzhov Control Skyfly22 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 2 27/12/17
UB Control MindOfAKid Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 4 10/11/17
Kess Jake Krzeczowksi Duel Commander Time Vault Weekly Duel Commander 1 08/11/17
UB Control Samuel Black Standard Worlds 2017 Other 07/10/17
UB Control Tedpanic Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 4 05/10/17
Gb kenelli Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block PTQ 3-4 02/01/17
Prossh, Skyraider of Kher Aurelien "Mathan" Mathias Duel Commander DC Llevelwin 3 17/12/16
GB oracle88 Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block MOCS 5 05/12/16
BU Cheesy111 Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block PTQ 5-8 21/11/16
Bg FREEROLLIN Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block PTQ 1 14/11/16
BW everworld Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block Judge Open 8 13/11/16
GB _Ditlev_ Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block Champs 6 06/11/16
Orzhov Control Michael Fortier Standard PPTQ Amonkhet (Le Griffon) 5-8 06/11/16
BW Control Pedro Nascimento Standard Vila Celta Standard League 3-4 05/11/16
GB NumotTheNummy Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block PTQ 3-4 31/10/16
Prossh, Skyraider of Kher Aurelien "Mathan" Mathias Duel Commander DC Llevelwin [20hp] 4 22/10/16
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