netdecking with the stars
If you submitted an event this weekend, please read this.
• Event
• Deck
• Player
• Format
• Level Professional
• Decks must contain following cards
Main deck Sideboard
• Period
40 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Allies Alex B Modern 1k @ Amsterdam (NY) 5-8 19/03/22
Allies Emily Kuntz Modern Diamond Event @ Atlantis Hobby (Mankato, MN) 1 20/11/21
Allies Alex Nelson Modern Summer Slam VI $1k @ Games State (Spencer, IA) 5-8 31/07/21
Allies Connor Peruchi Modern TCGCON 1k @ Tampa 3-4 27/06/21
Bant Scales Ishii Hiroshi Modern God of Modern Trial @ Hareruya (Japan) 5-8 01/12/19
Allies Jeremiah Achay Modern Roll Play Modern Tournament @ Philippines 7 15/06/19
Boros Allies Earl Castel Modern FQ Modern Tournament @ Philippines 5 25/05/19
Allies Mic Peralta Modern Coco Modern Tournament @ Philippines 3 06/04/19
Allies Ishii Hiroshi Modern God of Modern Trial @ Hareruya (Japan) 5-8 17/03/19
Allies Suzuki Keiji Modern Holiday Modern @ Nagoya (Japan) 1 17/03/19
Allies Ishii Hiroshi Modern Modern Cup @ Hareruya (Japan) 5-8 03/03/19
Allies Kuroda Akira Modern Pre Valentine Modern Teams @ Nagoya (Japan) 2 09/02/19
Allies Tanida Yoshiyuki Modern Weekday Modern @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 29/01/19
Allies Kuroda Akira Modern Win a Noble Hierarch @ Hareruya (Japan) 3-4 27/10/18
Mono White Humans Mark Stephen Domantay Modern 3$ Modern Tournament (MTGD) @ Philippines 3-4 20/10/18
Humans Ishii Hiroshi Modern Modern God Trial 1 20/05/18
Alliés Fabrice Lorente Modern Modern trial Mkm series Paris (Libourne) 8 08/04/18
Allies Joe Ambrosio Modern Ready to Play Contender Series 1 18/11/17
Coco-vial Allies Brian Habing Modern Ready to Play Thursday Night Modern 4 31/08/17
Rw Allies Jocélio Duarte Modern 5º Mhysteria Modern 7 29/07/17
Naya Allies Vinicius Aoki Modern Circuito Wild West 2017 Etapa 2 3-4 09/04/17
Allies Brian Habing Modern Ready to Play Contender Series 5-8 25/02/17
Allies Arichi Takafumi Modern Modern Cup @ Tournament Center 7 12/11/16
Hardened Humans Jeffrey Delucca Modern Modern EMA Event 5-8 27/08/16
Boros Allies Victor Vergnaud Modern Grand Prix Trial - Lille 1 25/06/16
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