netdecking with the stars
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25 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Demonlord Belzenlok James Mcpherson cEDH October cEDH - Tees Valley MTG @ People's Meeples (Hartlepool, UK) 5-8 20/10/24
Gr Tron Michael Gaydos Modern 2014 Modern State Championships - North Dakota 5-8 03/08/14
Ooze Combo Noham Maubert Extended PTQ Nagoya (Clermont-Ferrand, France) 5-8 20/03/11
Ooze Combo Luciano Melotta Extended PTQ Nagoya (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 3-4 05/03/11
Ooze Combo Yoshihiro Ooneda Extended PTQ Nagoya (Higashi-Kanagawa, Japan) 2 11/02/11
Ooze Combo TheConke Extended PTQ Nagoya (MTGO, #2007152) 2 23/01/11
Ooze Combo Andrew Ohlschwager Extended PTQ Nagoya (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 2 16/01/11
Ooze Combo Daniel Pham Extended PTQ Nagoya (Toronto, Canada) 5-8 16/01/11
Ooze Combo Jay Lee Extended PTQ Nagoya (Orlando, Florida) 5-8 15/01/11
Ooze Combo TheConker Extended PTQ Nagoya (MTGO #1910342) 5 02/01/11
UB Tron John Treviranus Extended PTQ Honolulu 2009 - Madison (USA) 5-8 24/01/09
[Decks top 8 - T2] Grim Ramp Standard National Qualifier 2008 - Maintal / Germany 15/06/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] RG Snow Ramp Standard National Qualifier 2008 - Coimbra / Portugal 14/06/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] RG Mana Ramp Standard National Qualifier 2008 - Fortaleza / Brazil 14/06/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] Quick 'n Toast Standard National Qualifier 2008 - Moita / Portugal 14/06/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] RG Snowramp Standard National Qualifier 2008 - München / Germany 14/06/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] RGw Ramp Standard National Qualifier 2008 - München / Germany 14/06/08
Grim Ramp Shaheen Soorani Block PTQ Berlin 2008 - Burlington 3-4 14/06/08
Grim Ramp Greg Peloquin Standard National Qualifier 2008 - Seattle / USA 2 07/06/08
Grim Ramp Sam Swanson Standard National Qualifier 2008 - Seattle / USA 3-4 07/06/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] Grim Ramp Standard National Qualifier 2008 - Montreal / Canada 06/06/08
[Decks Top 8 - T2] R/G Mana Ramp Standard The New Jersey Open 31/05/08
[Decks Top 8 - T2] R/G Mana Ramp Standard The New Jersey Open 31/05/08
Snow Mana Ramp Marijn Lybaert Standard Pro Tour Hollywood 2008 5-8 25/05/08
[Decks top 8 - T2] Mono Green BigMana Standard Five Dragons Cup 64th 05/05/08
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