netdecking with the stars
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165 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Golgari Aggro Renzo Verkooren Standard Gentry ! @ The Gentry Magic League 1 04/08/20
Other - Aggro Justin Guy Standard FNM @ On Curve Events 5-8 25/07/20
Sultai Yorion Aggro Maestrodobis Standard Friday 4th Qualifier for MagicFest Online Season 2 1 24/04/20
Adventure Yamamura Shouma Standard WPNQ @ Spa World (Japan) 2 23/11/19
Golgari Aggro kado222 Standard MTGO Standard League 6 30/09/19
Golgari Aggro MichalMusial Standard MTGO Standard League 3 26/09/19
Golgari Aggro Kobayashi Chiaki Standard Nationals - Japan 2019 3-4 08/09/19
Golgari Citadel Reid Duke Standard Fandom Legends 5-8 06/09/19
Bg Citadel Ricardo Dorini Standard Brazil National Tour Qualifier @ A Guilda Colecionáveis (Piracicaba,SP) 1 01/09/19
Golgari Aggro Dellhelp Standard MTGO Standard League 1 15/08/19
Golgari Aggro Unvalro Standard Arena Super Cup Qualifier - Double 4 25/05/19
Golgari Aggro Yamaguchi Naohiro Standard War of the Spark 1st @ Hareruya (Nagoya, Japan) 5-8 04/05/19
Sultai Midrange Fukuhara Asumu Standard War of the Spark Season First @ Hareruya (Osaka, Japan) 5-8 04/05/19
Golgari Explore John Pehlke Standard Star City Games Invitational Qualifier Niles 2 16/03/19
Golgari Aggro Matsushita Takashi Standard Weekday Standard at 8PM 1 06/03/19
Golgari Aggro beraldi Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 5 25/02/19
Golgari Aggro beraldi Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 6 07/02/19
Golgari Aggro Vlad Croitoru Standard MKM Series 2019 - Main Event @ Bologna 7 20/01/19
Golgari Aggro turbotimestwo Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 6 14/01/19
Golgari Graveyard Simon Grawe Standard Traderliga @ Dülmen 6 13/01/19
Golgari Aggro DR0125 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 4 10/01/19
Golgari Graveyard Brandon Rea Standard PPTQ @ Comic World (Dubuque, IA) 5 05/01/19
Golgari Graveyard Ari Collins Standard PPTQ @ Comic World (Dubuque, IA) 4 05/01/19
Golgari Aggro coteca83 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 7 27/12/18
Golgari Aggro coteca83 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 2 17/12/18
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