netdecking with the stars
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207 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Ratchet, Field Medic Robo-bo-bots Duel Commander 23rd cerny rytir pdc @ Prague (Czech Republic) 5-8 13/05/23
Ratchet, Field Medic Robo-bo-bots Duel Commander Dragon-World Duben 2023 @ Úvaly (Czech Republic) 2 09/04/23
Skynet Michel Xisto Duel Commander 2 Liga Real Commander @ Bangu (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 2 20/11/21
Affinity Alan Dejean Canadian Highlander Thursday Night Highlander @ The Gamers' Emporium (London, ON) 1 06/12/18
Boros Partner Irineu Mendes Duel Commander DC 3k - Final Ligamagic (São Paulo, Brazil) 5-8 06/02/17
Boros Partner Daniele Pintaudi Duel Commander Warp Tournament Commander (Milano,Italy) 2 05/02/17
Bruse / Akiri Frederic PON Duel Commander Libourne is Magic 3-4 22/01/17
Affinity Aggro Renan Facchini Duel Commander Spellbox Liga Commander - Season 10 Semanal 3-4 16/01/17
Bruse Tarl/Akiri Josselin "Asimov" Laumont Duel Commander Angelic Tournament Commander 3 (Valence, France) 5-8 27/11/16
Boroscraft Papaoursdelux Peasant Mtg-Peasant @ Cockatrice 1 18/09/16
Boros Craft Papaoursdelux Peasant Online Tournament @ Cockatrice 1 31/03/16
Mono W Artefact Frederic Peasant Event @ Oer-Erkenschwick (Germany) 1 31/01/16
Affinity Deohgee Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 10 06/01/16
Tempered Steel Suczi Standard MTGO Standard Daily (#4310521) 5 05/09/12
Tempered Steel InPlaneShift Standard MTGO Standard Daily (#4278857) 1 03/09/12
Tempered Steel InPlaneShift Standard MTGO Standard Daily (#4278728) 2 31/08/12
Tempered Steel reedeemeer85 Standard MTGO Standard Daily (#4213014) 2 17/08/12
Tempered Steel reedeemeer85 Standard MTGO Standard Daily (#4213030) 2 17/08/12
Tempered Steel fzpogo Standard MTGO Standard Daily (#4213038) 5 17/08/12
Tempered Steel Tyler Schiner Standard Starcitygames Open Series: Tampa 3-4 03/03/12
Boros Control Caleb Durward Standard Pro Tour Dark Ascension (Honolulu) Other 12/02/12
Tempered Steel Michael Belfatto Standard Starcitygames Open Series: Cincinnati 3-4 11/02/12
Tempered Steel Nils Tolpingrud Standard Starcitygames Open Series: Richmond 1 04/02/12
Tempered Steel Zach Anderson Standard Starcitygames Open Series: Los Angeles 5-8 14/01/12
Glint Hawk Flare Morbid28 Standard MTGO Standard Daily (#3283762) 3 13/01/12
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