netdecking with the stars
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23 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Rhys the Redeemed Felipe Agoncillo cEDH $100 multi edh circuit week6 @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 6 17/03/24
Selesnya Aggro Anthony Petrowiche Block Ravnica 1 Block Constructed 2 @ Fight Club (La Crau, France) 3-4 29/07/22
Abzan Midrange Anthony Petrowiche Block Ravnica 1 Block Constructed @ Fight Club (La Crau, France) 3-4 03/06/22
Emmara, Soul Of The Accord Joseph Aliaga Duel Commander Grand end of the Year Tournament @ Lima (Perú) 3-4 12/12/21
Emmara Guzmán Pelaez Duel Commander Duel Commander Shark Games @ Málaga (Spain) 2 01/03/20
Emmara, Soul Of The Accord Joseph Aliaga Duel Commander DC @ The Monkey Planet (Lima, Peru) 3 07/12/19
Emmara Duelcaster Mage Duel Commander DCM Oct 2018 Tournament 2 22/10/18
Eldrazi Aggro balkk Modern MTGO Competitive Modern Constructed League 9 10/06/16
4c Tokens Aleš Buben Highlander Prague highlander 1 16/03/15
Marath - Elfball Matthieu Habersetzer Duel Commander Win an Arsenal Box (Libourne) 5-8 22/06/14
Marath - Enchantress Benjamin Jean Duel Commander Commander's Arena III (Saint-Nazaire) 3-4 20/04/14
Sigarda, Host of Herons Andrew Cantillana Duel Commander Madcap Gaming #7 (Philippines) 1 16/02/14
Pattern Rector Matthias Hittel Highlander Highlander Grand Prix X (Maintal) 5-8 14/04/12
Rhys - Elfball François Bohl Duel Commander Coupe de France Commander 2011 (Vitry-en-Perthois) 6 11/11/11
Rhys the Redeemed Guillaume "mastman" Letizia Duel Commander Ligue EDH (Lille) 2 21/11/10
Rhys the Redeemed Guillaume "mastman" Letizia Duel Commander EDH (Lille) 3-4 01/03/09
[Top 8 - T2] Glare II Standard Uruguay Nationals 2007 19/08/07
Glare Anatoli Lightfoot Standard Nationals - Australia 2007 5-8 22/07/07
Snakes Jasper Bongaards Standard Nationals - Netherlands 2006 3-4 15/08/06
Ghazi Glare Antonino De Rosa Standard Nationals - US 2006 5-8 28/07/06
Ghazi Glare Katsuhiro Mori Standard Worlds 2005 (Yokohama) 1 04/12/05
Ghazi Glare Tomohiro Kaji Standard Worlds 2005 (Yokohama) 3-4 04/12/05
Ghazi Glare Shuhei Nakamura Standard Worlds 2005 (Yokohama) 5-8 04/12/05
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