netdecking with the stars
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• Event
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• Level Professional
• Decks must contain following cards
Main deck Sideboard
• Period
190 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Mono Black Aggro deathsnow Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 8 13/09/18
God-Pharaoh's Gift Control MEG Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 5 27/08/18
Mono Black Aggro trojanmamba Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 7 20/08/18
God-Pharaoh's Gift Control Ckeeth Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 8 05/07/18
Ub Midrange Nathanael Perigo Standard PPTQ @ Multiverse Comics&Games (Grinnell, IA) 2 30/06/18
Ub Midrange Akiva Premachandra Standard Dominaria Store Championship @ Back To Games - Dubai 3-4 23/06/18
Dimir Control The Nameless One Standard PPTQ Atlanta @ MagicCorporation 1 23/06/18
U/b Midrange Fernando Pereira Standard PPTQ @TOCA DO URSO @ ARAPONGAS - PR 2 17/06/18
God-Pharaoh's Gift Control RnRaoul Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 7 14/06/18
Ub Midrange Kaloyan Nikov Standard PPTQ Atlanta @ GameForce (Eindhoven) 3-4 11/06/18
Dimir Midrange Usama Sajjad Standard Grand Prix Copenhagen 9-16 10/06/18
Mono Black Control Tulio_jaudy Standard MTGO Standard MOCS #11421567 3 09/06/18
Monoblack Midrange Nathan Lothamer Standard PPTQ @ Jay's CD & HobbyWest (Des Moines, IA) 2 09/06/18
Dimir Midrange Dan Forster Standard PPTQ @ Jay's CD & HobbyWest (Des Moines, IA) 4 09/06/18
Dimir Midrange limitedlove Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 6 07/06/18
Mono Black Control TheGoodSoldier Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 2 07/06/18
Dimir Midrange moris Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 7 04/06/18
Dimir Midrange McLovin1 Standard MTGO Standard PTQ 5-8 03/06/18
Dimir Midrange Misplacedginger Standard MTGO Standard PTQ 2 03/06/18
Mono Black Control Willy Edel Standard Pro Tour Dominaria (Richmond) 01/06/18
Dimir God-Pharaoh's Gift Alex Sittner Standard Pro Tour Dominaria (Richmond) 01/06/18
Dimir Midrange Kenji Tsumura Standard Pro Tour Dominaria (Richmond) 01/06/18
Sultai Midrange Joshua Vitullo Standard Pro Tour Dominaria (Richmond) 01/06/18
Dimir Aggro SPottenger Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 3 31/05/18
God-Pharaoh's Gift Control Takahashi Tetsuhiro Standard 11th God Challenger 3-4 27/05/18
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