netdecking with the stars
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42 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Ezuri, Renegade Leader Viktor Coufal Duel Commander #1/23 Hradubice @ UNTAP (CZE) 5-8 21/01/23
Ezuri, Renegade Leader Marcelo Ruas Duel Commander TNDC "Northeast Culture Day" @ Caverna do Dragão (Santos-SP, Brasil) 2 02/08/22
Jetmir, Nexus Of Revels Primo Duel Commander [RC] 6º torneio ManavaiBR @ Manavai (Campo Grande-RJ, Brazil)) 3-4 25/05/22
Trostani, Selesnya's Voice Primo Duel Commander Vanguarda 3 @ Vanguarda Geek (Bangu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 2 27/03/22
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Primo Duel Commander End of Year Event @ vanguardageek (Brazil) 1 30/12/21
Ezuri Carlos Duel Commander Epic Level [DC] - Fourtnight @ Epic Level (São José do Rio Preto, Brazil) 3-4 07/08/21
Selvala, Heart Of The Wilds Cedric Robert Duel Commander Monthly @ Arena Jeux (Orange, France) 2 07/02/20
Selvala, Heart Of The Wilds Manuel Faber Duel Commander FNM @ Hiveworld (Cologne, Germany) 1 03/01/20
Ezuri Combo Lucas M. Duel Commander LGS DC Event @ Montpellier (France) 1 25/07/19
Selvala, Heart Of The Wilds Cédric Robert Duel Commander Angelic Tournament Commander 9 @ Valence (France) 5-8 19/05/19
Selvala, Heart Of The Wilds Weisser Coilan Duel Commander DC Swiss-League: GRN @ Baguio City, Philippines 3-4 27/10/18
Palladia-mors, The Ruiner David R. Duel Commander [DDL] Duel Lounge @ Darmstadt, Germany 2 16/08/18
Selvala, Heart Of The Wilds Weisser Coilan Duel Commander PaPi Cup 2.0 - Baguio Duel Commander Invitational 5-8 09/12/17
Selvala, Heart Of The Wilds Weisser Coilan Duel Commander DC League Season 2 2 02/12/17
Omnath Gael Leturque Duel Commander Tournoi de Presqu'Noel - Without top 1+ % 4 01/09/17
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds Fábio Kaneto Duel Commander Duel Commander - Academia de jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) 5-8 10/01/17
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds Daniel Lestinge Duel Commander Duel Commander Mensal @ Academia de Jogos 3-4 07/01/17
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds Jeffrey Leal Duel Commander Super Series 2016 - Finals (Manila, Philippines) 5-8 04/12/16
Uril Jackson Moore Duel Commander Fantasy 20 PV 3-4 06/11/16
Omnath, Locus of Mana Maxim Volkov Duel Commander IV Moscow Open [20hp] 5-8 05/11/16
Selvala, Explorer Returned Daniel Lestinge Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal - 12/05 - Academia de Jogos 3-4 12/05/16
Omnath, Locus of Mana Maxim Volkov Duel Commander Liga Generalov Zimi 2.0 (Moscow, Russia) 2 26/03/16
Marath, Will of the Wild Ewen "Werewolf41" Raude Duel Commander Duel commander (St Nazaire) 2 20/03/16
Marath - Elfball "Moondust" Duel Commander Demonic Tournament Commander #6 (Rouen, France) 5-8 13/03/16
Kaseto, Orochi Archmage Philippe Larouche Duel Commander Duel Commander - Aux 2 Légendes (Chicoutimi, Canada) 2 23/01/16
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