netdecking with the stars
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31 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Ghired, Conclave Exile Nicolas Alengry Duel Commander DC#2 @ Le repaire du Phénix (Montauban, France) 2 18/02/24
Prossh, Skyraider Of Kher Pierre C. Duel Commander 7th National Lounge League @ Darmstadt (Germany) 5-8 19/02/23
Prossh, Skyraider Of Kher Lauro Hanna Duel Commander [RC] Semanal Cards of Paradise @ Cards of Paradise (Rio de Janeiro) 5-8 18/01/23
Ghired, Conclave Exile Nicolas Alengry Duel Commander Big DC : Let it snow @ Relic (Toulouse, France) 5-8 08/01/23
Prossh, Skyraider Of Kher Lauro Hanna Duel Commander [RC] 10º Torneio @ Tower of Cards (Bangu, Brasil) 2 30/12/22
Prossh, Skyraider Of Kher Lauro Hanna Duel Commander [RC] 8º Torneio RC @ Tower Of Card (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) 2 10/12/22
Dargo / Sidar William Graciane Duel Commander TNDC "Day of the Disabled" @ Caverna do Dragão(Santos, Brasil) 1 11/10/22
Prossh, Skyraider Of Kher Michel Xisto Duel Commander [RC] @ Cards of Paradise (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 2 01/10/22
Prossh, Skyraider Of Kher Rhamon Duel Commander [DC] 16º Torneio Cachoeiro @ Cripta de Mana (São Paulo, Brazil) 3-4 14/09/22
Dargo, The Shipwrecker Sidar Kondo Of Jamuraa Julien Lagardere Duel Commander Championship @ Angoulême ( France) 2 28/08/22
Prossh, Skyraider Of Kher Jose "pan" Pernia Duel Commander SDM @ San Cristobal (Venezuela) 3-4 28/08/22
Dargo Naya Julien Lagardère Duel Commander Monthly @ Jeux Barjo (Bordeaux, France) 2 21/08/22
Prossh, Skyraider Of Kher Michel Xisto Duel Commander [RC] 11º Torneio Manavaibr @ Manavai (Campo Grande/RJ) 3-4 23/07/22
Prossh, Skyraider Of Kher Flavio Guio Duel Commander [RC] 10º Torneio Cachu @ Cahoeiro-ES (Brasil) 3-4 09/07/22
Prossh, Skyraider Of Kher Michel Xisto Duel Commander [RC] 9° Torneio Manavai @ Manavai (Campo Grande/Rio de Janeiro) 1 30/06/22
Prossh, Skyraider Of Kher Michel Xisto Duel Commander 6º Torneio RC @ Vanguarda (Campo Grande, RJ, Brazil) 1 27/05/22
Prossh, Skyraider Of Kher Michel Xisto Duel Commander [RC] 4º Torneio @ Tower of Cards (Bangu-RJ, Brazil) 1 21/05/22
Dargo / Ikra William Graciani Duel Commander Weekly DC @ Santos (Brazil) 2 03/08/21
Dargo + Ikra William Graciani Duel Commander Weekly DC @ Santos (Brazil) 3-4 27/07/21
Winota, Joiner Of Forces Aaron Blue Pumanes Duel Commander Duelan sa TG @ Marikina City (Philippines) 3-4 13/05/21
Turbo Ghired Rodolphe Grabowski Duel Commander Duel Commander @ Jeux Barjo (Bordeaux) 1 07/06/20
Kaalia of the Vast Matteo Marinelli Duel Commander Commandergeddon #6 (Milano, Italy) [30 HP] 5-8 30/10/16
Kaalia of the Vast Matteo Marinelli Duel Commander WarpTournament Commander (Milan, Italy) [30 HP] 5-8 23/10/16
Kaalia of the Vast Leonardo Rodriguez Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal - Academia de Jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) [20HP] 5-8 20/10/16
Kaalia of the Vast Matteo Marinelli Duel Commander Commandergeddon#4 Trial (Milano, Italy) 3-4 08/05/16
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