netdecking with the stars
If you submitted an event this weekend, please read this.
• Event
• Deck
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• Format
• Level Professional
• Decks must contain following cards
Main deck Sideboard
• Period
689 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Red Deck Wins Eldritchecho Standard Event @ nothing but land 3-4 11/06/22
Red Deck Wins Cody Brooks Standard F2P @ nothing but land 2 30/04/22
Red Deck Wins John Cronin Standard 100% CASH Payout Weekly @ The Lotus Lookout 2 08/04/22
Boros Aggro Kikai Kikai Standard 96th Event @ Friday Asim Magic 3-4 18/02/22
Red Deck Wins edmar30 Standard MTGO Standard League 6 20/01/22
Red Deck Wins xFlurryx Standard MTGO Standard League 1 30/12/21
Red Deck Wins bigballoff Standard MTGO Standard League 8 27/12/21
Red Deck Wins AlphaWereWolf303 Standard MTGO Standard League 2 23/12/21
Red Deck Wins Enrico Di Cola Standard Ma Melee Arena Decembre#4 @ Lord Hebus Magic 5-8 12/12/21
Boros Aggro Desintegrator Standard Ma Melee Arena - Novembre#5 @ Lord Hebus Magic 5-8 17/11/21
Boros Aggro Steffen Berning Standard Crokeyz Crimson Vow Tournament @ Team Liquid 9-16 13/11/21
Boros Aggro Sakurazaki Issei Standard Planeswalker Championship @ Hareruya (Akihabara, Japan) 1 06/11/21
Boros Aggro Yamawaki Akira Standard Planeswalker Championship @ Hareruya (Japan) 2 31/10/21
Boros Aggro Jonathan Spires Standard Event @ nothing but land 5-8 30/10/21
Mono Red Rodolfo Riego Standard League @ Trade Store Paraguay (Asuncion, Paraguay) 5-8 12/09/21
Pula Ramil Aban Standard Store Champs @ B2G (Abu Dhabi City, UAE) 1 10/09/21
Red Deck Wins LightUpTheStage Standard MTGO Standard League 5 02/09/21
Red Deck Wins NewHJ Standard MTGO Standard Challenge 9 30/08/21
Red Deck Wins Station19 Standard MTGO Standard League 5 30/08/21
Red Deck Wins Coultpiton Standard MTGO Standard League 4 23/08/21
Boros Aggro Lamachere Julien Standard Ligue En Melee #12 @ Lord Hebus Magic 3-4 18/08/21
Red Deck Wins shadowover Standard MTGO Standard League 3 16/08/21
Red Deck Wins mahzinha_linda Standard MTGO Standard Challenge 15 09/08/21
Red Deck Wins Victor Li Standard SCG Tour Online - Satellite #3 @ Star City Games 3-4 06/08/21
Red Deck Wins quiksnax Standard MTGO Standard League 8 02/08/21
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