netdecking with the stars
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28 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Gev, Scaled Scorch Mike Duel Commander DC Monthly @ Dicewars (Castellón, Spain) 3-4 29/09/24
Juri, Master Of The Revue Marlon "alyas Tisoy" Gahol Duel Commander 50k Gaming @ Paolos Kubo (?) 3 23/06/24
Kelsien, The Plague Auguier Adrien Duel Commander Open Qualifier DC @ Selles-sur-Cher (France) 9-16 05/05/24
Gut, True Soul Zealot Huun Duel Commander FACT #9 Saturday @ Lyon - Oullins (France) 5-8 20/04/24
Gut, True Soul Zealot Guillaume Savigny Duel Commander Tournoi 2/3 Champ. Régional @ Ile de la Réunion 3-4 24/03/24
Judith, the Scourge Diva David "bill" Rivière Duel Commander Open Qualifier 2024 @ Ile de la Réunion 3-4 28/01/24
Gut, True Soul Zealot Savigny Guillaume Duel Commander Champ. DC Split 2 3/3 @ Ile de la Réunion 8 15/10/23
Judith Rivière David Duel Commander Regional DC split 2 tournoi 2 @ Ile de la Réunion 2 17/09/23
Judith Diva Du Fléau David "bill" Rivière Duel Commander Champ DC tournoi 1 split 2 @ Ile de la Réunion 3 13/08/23
Gut Black François David Duel Commander Emraclette DC #2 @ Chambery (France) 2 23/04/23
Juri, Master Of The Revue Jérome Christin Duel Commander Rising Sun DC Tournament #6 @ Ile de la Réunion 2 09/10/22
Dargo + Tevesh Buba Duel Commander DuWell Commander @ Cúpula do Trovão (Pelotas / Brasil) 2 08/02/22
Juri, Master of the Revue Matthieu Mizac Duel Commander ZAM Monthly tournament #6 @ Tableraze (Montpellier, France) 1 30/01/22
Armix + Kraum Huun Duel Commander FACT #2 - Main Event @ Lyon (France) 16 23/01/22
Armix + Kraum Huun Duel Commander FACT #2 - Trial #2 @ Lyon (France) 3-4 22/01/22
Juri, Master of the Revue Mathieu "xakuyer" Mizak Duel Commander DC Monthly @ Tableraze (Montpellier, France) 1 09/01/22
Zagras Allan Mariano Duel Commander Special Event (6+ mana value Commanders Only) @ Mana Underground (Lagro, Philippines) 5-8 26/12/21
Judith, The Scourge Diva Dennis C. Duel Commander 4th National Lounge League @ Darmstadt (Germany) 5-8 03/10/21
Mardu Haste Lukas "lukasengels" Engels Duel Commander Combat COVID-19 Boredom FNM #2 @ Online 3-4 27/03/20
Judith, The Scourge Diva Bal Duel Commander DC Cockatrice Trial March @ Online 1 22/03/20
Judith Oliver Holka Duel Commander FNM Hiveworld @ Cologne (Germany) 2 13/03/20
Judith, The Scourge Diva yrak Duel Commander ATC#10 @ Valence (France) 2 17/11/19
Judith, The Scourge Diva Geoffrey Baron Duel Commander October's Commander @ Nantes (France) 5-8 27/10/19
Judith, The Scourge Diva Emeric "eichimaru" Durdos Duel Commander Tournoi Bi-mensuel @ LaguildeDinan 2 16/08/19
Judith Sofiane Cormier Duel Commander Rebound Master ZAP @ Palaiseau 7 07/07/19
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