netdecking with the stars
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57 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Niv-Mizzet Reborn Geoff Brosnan cEDH Anti-cEDH cEDH Club Fire and Ice 2 23/11/24
Genku, Future Shaper Max Bogaerts Duel Commander Win a Biland @ Fantasy Sphere (Toulouse, France) 5-8 17/11/24
Dramatic Reversal watdoink Modern MTGO Challenge 32 14 17/08/24
Niv Mizzet Reborn Eliott Boussaud Duel Commander Big DC All Black Relic @ Toulouse (France) 5-8 02/06/24
Yorion, Sky Nomad Yao Yao Duel Commander 134th "New Year Cake" Cup @ Shanghai (China) 3 21/08/21
4c Ephemerate Srpantuflas Pauper Royale 4.10 5-8 14/01/21
Weenie White cccaspar Modern MTGO Modern League 1 11/12/20
Devotion to White Artem_Kuhtin Modern MTGO Modern Challenge 6 14/09/20
Weenie White cccaspar Modern MTGO Modern League 3 04/09/20
Narset Jeffrey Fernandes Modern SCG IQ @ Hairy Tarantula (Toronto) 2 25/05/19
Restore Balance Rodrigo Korn Da Silva Modern CLM Modern 2 House of Cards 1 30/03/18
Akiri/silas Renn Guillaume Audiffren Duel Commander MagicCorp Classic Trial ZAP 5-8 04/11/17
Breya, Etherium Shaper James Larking Duel Commander Westboro Magic League - Aether Revolt Season Finals 1 24/04/17
Restore Balance Vivien Modern Magic Modern @Meltdown Strasbourg 1 19/04/17
Breya, Etherium Shaper Moondust Duel Commander Dan Pyre's Online Cockatrice Tournament #3 2 20/03/17
Breya Eggs Maxim Mescheriakov Duel Commander League-4 in Citadel-volgograd 5-8 05/03/17
Breya, Etherium Shaper Fábio Fernandes Vieira Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal @ Academia de Jogos 3-4 24/02/17
Breya, Etherium Shaper Fábio Fernandes Vieira Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal @ Academia de Jogos 1 17/01/17
Breya, Etherium Shaper Fábio Fernandes Vieira Duel Commander Spellbox Liga Commander - Season 10 Semanal 1 16/01/17
Breya, Etherium Shaper Fábio Fernandes Vieira Duel Commander Duel Commander - Academia de jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) 2 10/01/17
Breya, Etherium Shaper Lorenzo Miracapillo Duel Commander Torneo natalizio Duel French 2 22/12/16
Breya eggs Alexander "newtraderdu78" Loskoutoff Duel Commander ZAP Palaiseau Decembre 5-8 11/12/16
Breya, Etherium Shaper Yves Bausa Duel Commander Super Series 2016 - Finals (Manila, Philippines) 3-4 04/12/16
Breya Alexander "newtraderdu78" Loskoutoff Duel Commander Trial ZAP Waagh Taverne 5-8 04/12/16
Breya, Etherium Shaper "Moondust" Duel Commander Angelic Tournament Commander 3 (Valence, France) 3-4 27/11/16
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