netdecking with the stars
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94 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Ojutaï Christophe Comont Duel Commander DC Pont'Au @ Lieuray (27) 2 10/10/18
Dragonlord Ojutai Andre Marques MTGO Commander MTGO Commander @ Leiria 5 23/12/17
Narset Vivien "soratami" Macé Duel Commander Les Arpenteurs de Palaiseau Mai 3-4 14/05/17
Narset Flavien "crimelune" Paillet Duel Commander Les Arpenteurs de Palaiseau Mai 5-8 14/05/17
Narset Vivien Mace Duel Commander Demonic Tournament Commander (Rouen, France) 8 30/04/17
Narset Kaourintin "Falaakr" Le Guiban Duel Commander Palaiseau Novembre [20 HP] 1 30/10/16
Narset, Enlightened Master Esteban Alonso Duel Commander CoCT 10 (Temuco, Chile) [30HP] 3 23/10/16
Narset, Enlightened Master Kaourintin Le Guiban Duel Commander Duel Commander European Cup 2016 [20 HP] 3-4 23/10/16
Narset, Enlightened Master Esteban Alonso Duel Commander Clash of Commander Titans 7 1 25/09/16
Narset, Enlightened Master Esteban Alonso Duel Commander Clash of Commander Titans 5 (9T, Temuco, Chile) 1 04/09/16
Teferi, Temporal Archmage Chris Williams Duel Commander Duel Commander FNM - The Collector's Zone 1 29/07/16
Narset, Enlightened Master Kaourintin "Falaakr" Le Guiban Duel Commander DC Llevelwin 2 23/07/16
Izzet Control Mickeroo Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 8 06/07/16
Izzet Control jpellman Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 6 27/06/16
Esper Control Louisbach Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 9 01/05/16
Azorius Dragons Justin Hittell Standard PPTQ @ Cool Stuff Games (Jacksonville, FL) 3-4 23/04/16
Vendilion Clique Kroston Tremblay Duel Commander Duel Commander - Aux 2 Légendes 2 12/03/16
Vendilion Clique "Gros Papou" Duel Commander DC Llevelwin #1 - Trial DTC (Orléans) 5-8 13/02/16
Vendilion Clique Eduardo Shimizu Duel Commander Duel Commander Mensal - Fevereiro 5-8 13/02/16
Vendilion Clique João Eduardo Miranda Santos Duel Commander Weekly Duel Commander - Academia de Jogos 2 04/02/16
Vendilion Clique João Eduardo Santos Duel Commander Taça Caos Duel Commander - Etapa 1 (Caos Games) 4 23/01/16
Vendilion Clique João Eduardo Santos Duel Commander Duel Commander Academia de Jogos - Janeiro 1 09/01/16
Narset, Enlightened Master Jiří Balcar Duel Commander Bohemia DC Tournament (Hradec Králové) 5-8 27/12/15
Surrak Dragonclaw Emilien Pichereau Duel Commander Viking Commander Battle (Caen) 3-4 06/12/15
Surrak Dragonclaw Emilien Pichereau Duel Commander La Guilde des Joueurs (Le Mans) 1 15/11/15
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