netdecking with the stars
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61 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Atraxa, Grand Unifier Gabriel "kitsunae" Duel Commander Thursday Night Turbo @ France 3-4 18/01/24
Surrak Dragonclaw Omar Rohner Duel Commander End of Sugar Season @ Lima (Peru) 2 01/10/23
Shorikai, Genesis Engine Julien Joie Duel Commander Duel Commander @ Wonderlandes (Dax, France) 4 15/05/22
Esior + Keleth Ryan Payabyab Duel Commander Cap's Cup 2021 @ Mana Underground (Quezon City, Philippines) 3-4 16/01/21
Esior + Keleth Jorrell Ang Duel Commander Battle for duals @ Mana Underground (Quezon City, Philippines) 3 19/12/20
Keleth + Esior Jorrell Ang Duel Commander Year End Celebration Duel Com' @ Mana Underground (Quezon City, Philippines) 5 12/12/20
Niv-mizzet, Parun Yuan Luyang Duel Commander 87th "New Year Cake" Cup @ Shanghai 2 18/08/19
Baral Ondra Hrubý Duel Commander Duel o dual @ Poděbrady 7 02/02/19
Baral Controle Charles Raynaud Duel Commander ZAP Septembre @ Palaiseau 5-8 16/09/18
Baral, Chief Of Compliance Tiffany Goudey Duel Commander STC " Les sentinelles" 5-8 25/02/18
Baral, Chief Of Compliance Baral, Chief Of Compliance David Garnier Duel Commander Planeswalker Tournament Commander 5-8 27/01/18
Baral Vaclav Mysak Duel Commander Duel Commander Tourment Prague 5-8 25/11/17
Baral, Chief Of Compliance David Garnier Duel Commander Angelic Tournament Commander #5 (Valence, France) 5-8 05/11/17
Baral, Chief Of Compliance Vaclav Mysak Duel Commander Bohemia DC Trial Hradec Kralove 4 07/10/17
Baral, Chief Of Compliance Stefan Grijincu Duel Commander Init Duel Commander (Prague) 2 30/09/17
Baral, Chief Of Compliance Nikolay Krylov Duel Commander St. Petersburg 7th League 5-8 13/07/17
Baral Polymorph Andrey "mc_artifact" Kostin Duel Commander Citadel-Volgograd 14th BD Party 3-4 08/07/17
Baral Polymorph Vadim Uvarov Duel Commander Citadel-Volgograd 14th BD Party 5-8 08/07/17
Baral, Chef Of Compliance Olivieri Matthieu Duel Commander Tournoi des Zaps 5-8 25/06/17
Baral, Chief Of Compliance Elie Soubeyrand Duel Commander Angelic Tournament Commander #4 (Valence, France) 5-8 18/06/17
Baral, Chief Of Compliance Vaclav Mysak Duel Commander Bohemia DC Spring Tournament (Hradec Kralove) 4 22/04/17
Baral Polymorph Thomas Nouzilleau Duel Commander DC Chez le Voisin 3rd Edition (Trial DTC) 5-8 09/04/17
Baral Polymorph Thomas Mechin Duel Commander European DC Cup 3-4 02/04/17
Baral Polymorph Noham Maubert Duel Commander European DC Cup 5-8 02/04/17
Baral Qm Duel Commander Gobs Commander Mars 5-8 31/03/17
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