netdecking with the stars
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44 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Nuttapol Duel Commander Draw7 Masters - Open series #6 @ Thailand 7 13/07/24
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy John Dupingay Duel Commander Duel for the Lotus Petal @ The Game Armory (Baguio City, Philippines) 3-4 23/09/23
Animar Sophie Duel Commander Duel commande online 10 @ France 5-8 18/07/22
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Jim Degsi Duel Commander CEO Circuit Season 2 @ Johnson Gaming (Baguio City. Philippines) 3-4 03/04/22
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Jim Degsi Duel Commander JP's CEO Circuit @ Baguio City (Philippines) 5-8 13/03/22
Animar Sophie Duel Commander Duel commande online 7 @ France 3-4 24/01/22
Venser Jules Lestienne Duel Commander Zap Février @ Palaiseau 9-16 16/02/20
Venser Jefferson Richard Duel Commander Zap Février @ Palaiseau 9-16 16/02/20
Venser Tempo Combo Jules Lestienne Duel Commander ZAP Monthly @ Palaiseau 9-16 08/12/19
Venser Jules Lestienne Duel Commander DTC Novembre 2019 @ Rouen 5-8 17/11/19
Venser Turns Jules Lestienne Duel Commander ZAP Octobre @ Palaiseau (France) 5-8 20/10/19
Jenara Multi Combo Théo M. Duel Commander Tournoi Débutants @ Louviers (France) 1 22/09/19
Vannifar Anthony Ruer Duel Commander ZAP Février @ Palaiseau 2 10/02/19
Vannifar Leo "kiku" Brouard Duel Commander ZAP Février @ Palaiseau 1 10/02/19
Prime Speaker Vannifar Sergey "loxmatii" Lamzin Duel Commander Winter Commander @ Biblioteka Volgograd 1 09/02/19
Primespeaker Vannifar Romain Testaert Duel Commander Trial zap blois @ Asian gate 5 03/02/19
Thrasios / Reyhan Nick Sirman Duel Commander Westboro Magic League Ixalan 2 15/01/18
Venser, Shaper Savant Ralph "ralle" Esser Duel Commander FNM Hiveworld Cologne 2 08/12/17
Venser Ralph "ralle" Esser Duel Commander FNM Hiveworld Cologne 2 17/11/17
Venser Richard Jefferson Duel Commander Trial Zap Quartier Geek 3-4 12/11/17
Venser Jefferson Richard Duel Commander Tournoi des Zaps (Octobre) 3-4 15/10/17
Venser, Shaper Savant Vylo Marinas Duel Commander Duel for Masters 2017 (Baguio City, Philippines) 5-8 01/04/17
Roon of the Hidden Realm Hugo Montenegro Duel Commander CoCT 10 (Temuco, Chile) [30HP] 2 23/10/16
Prime Speaker Zegana Carlos Henrique Silva Duel Commander Duel Commander Mensal 5-8 17/09/16
Prime Speaker Zegana Lucas Horta Duel Commander Redzone DC League Finals 1k 1 15/08/16
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