netdecking with the stars
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37 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Welder Tinker Jack Premodern Portland Monthly Premodern Paper Magic Afternoons (PMPMPMPM#12) @ Portland (Oregon) 3-4 26/05/24
Welder Tinker Ilberlu Premodern Beard Brother Open 3-4 26/03/24
Welder Tinker Alchemist00000 Premodern LCOS Event 5-8 28/05/23
Welder Tinker Ricky Thorson Premodern Spring Cup @ Misty Mountain Games (Madison, WI) 5-8 25/03/23
Welder Tinker Romariovidal Premodern March Semimonthly Playoffs #1 @ The Magic Online Society 3-4 17/03/23
Welder Tinker Romariovidal Premodern March 2023 Semimonthly #1 @ The Magic Online Society 3-4 04/03/23
Welder Tinker Gaizka Ugarte Premodern DZ Bilbao 2023 - February Tournament 1 04/02/23
Welder Tinker Thursdayisgod Premodern January Semimonthly #1 @ The Magic Online Society 1 08/01/23
Welder Tinker Jorge Wright Premodern Premier League @ Chile 2 01/11/22
Welder Tinker Resti González Premodern Hispanoesfera 17 Ed. 5-8 31/10/22
Welder Tinker Jesús Palo Premodern Hispanoesfera 16 Ed 5-8 30/09/22
Welder Tinker Álvaro Galindo Premodern Hispanoesfera 12ª Ed 3-4 31/05/22
Welder Tinker Marco Berlusconi Premodern Facebook "Premodern in the Egg": 4° Discord Turnament 5-8 17/04/22
Tinker Welder Giulio Bedeschi Premodern Christmas Event @ Cesena 3-4 28/12/21
Tinker Welder Juan Manuel Delgado Premodern IV Liga Madrileña - 2 jornada @ Madrid (Spain) 1 30/10/21
Welder Tinker Eoi123 Premodern Monthly @ The Magic Online Society 3-4 25/08/21
Grixis Stax Yanis B Highlander Alte Kaserne Winterthur @ Winterthur 2 22/02/19
Artifact Combo Patrick R. Highlander Highlander Masters Westfalen @ Spielraum Bielefeld 2 05/08/18
Daretti, Scrap Savant Julian Hessling Duel Commander Hiveworld FNM 2 30/06/17
Esper Staxxs Paul Templin Highlander Berlin (FNM) 1 29/04/16
Staxx Patrik Adler Highlander Prague Eternal 1 04/07/14
Staxx Jiri Pokorny Highlander Highlander Prague Series #2 2 27/10/13
5c Tolarian Control Jonny Al-Saidi Highlander Highlander Tournament Berlin 1 25/10/13
GW-ComboControl (Was machst du denn?) Dion Sabel Highlander MKM Weekend '12 (Berlin) 3-4 09/12/12
Mono U Staxx Alexander Thomas Highlander Highlander Grand Prix X (Maintal) 5-8 14/04/12
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