netdecking with the stars
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144 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Gallia Of The Endless Dance Rodrigo Rosa Duel Commander [RC] 8° Torneio Manavai @ Manavai (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 1 23/06/22
Gallia Of The Endless Dance Rodrigo "rosa" Duel Commander [RC] 7° Torneio @ Manavai (Campo Grande/RJ) 1 10/06/22
Kroxa Cyril Hue Duel Commander Commander Night @ Pile ou face (Agen, France) 1 09/07/20
Kroxa Cyril Hue Duel Commander Win a Secret Ultimate Fetch @ Fantasy Sphere (Toulouse, France) 1 05/07/20
Kroxa Pyrrhus Duel Commander Zap Double Monthly @ Palaiseau 5-8 05/07/20
Jund Jordi Murria Modern Lliga Terres de L´Ebre 2 23/02/20
Loam Yamaguchi Koutarou Modern Holiday Modern @ Tournament Center (Japan) 1 02/06/19
Zurgo Bellstriker Valentin Antonov Duel Commander League 3 Citadel - Volgograd 3-4 02/12/16
Brainless Burn Matej "Hunter" Papso Highlander HL Cup Trial - Lukino Highlander 2 10/05/15
UWR Twinrange Luca Doernbach Highlander MKM Highlander Bash (Erfurt) 2 26/07/14
Aggro Loam CRET_UgRiv Modern MTGO Modern Daily (#6884454) 7 19/03/14
Aggro Loam HereticD2000 Modern MTGO Modern Daily (#6800340) 8 03/03/14
Aggro Loam Bonfatti Ivan Legacy Lainate (MI) - Legacy e Birra! 5-8 02/03/14
Aggro Loam Gosu. Modern MTGO Modern Premier (#6767367) 3 24/02/14
Aggro loam czarro_pl Modern MTGO Modern Daily (#6118226) 2 17/10/13
Aggro Loam Poschet Elmar Legacy Legacy Turniers vom 18.05.2013 1 18/05/13
Aggro Loam Daniele Tarrini Legacy GBLL#6 - Bologna 2 17/02/13
Aggro Loam Tarrini Daniele Legacy T1,5T #6 6 03/02/13
Aggro Loam Tony DeVeyra Legacy Starcitygames Open Series: Los Angeles 7 16/12/12
Aggro Loam Torsten Eckstein Legacy Magickeller Hannover 11/2012 1 10/11/12
Aggro Loam iargimon Modern MTGO Modern Daily (#4413802) 2 06/10/12
Aggro Loam Ian Gutierrez Legacy Manila Legacy - Legacy Wars 3 6 30/09/12
Aggro Loam MikeSolo Modern MTGO Modern TNMO (#4368173) 3 20/09/12
Aggro Loam Tarrini Daniele Legacy T1,5T#1 - Montelupo 4 16/09/12
Aggro Loam MikeSolo Modern MTGO Modern Daily (#4278700) 3 30/08/12
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