netdecking with the stars
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204 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
The One Ring Azorius Control Sarusta Modern MTGO League 2 16/12/24
The One Ring omnath Control SPyromancer Modern MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 14/12/24
The One Ring Omnath Control SPyromancer Modern MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 14/12/24
The One Ring Bant Control Hagi Shogo Modern Monthly Masters Finals 2024 @ TC (Osaka, Japan) 5-8 10/12/24
The One Ring Azorius Control cgouldner Modern MTGO League 8 10/12/24
The One Azorius Dr. Jon Osterman Modern MTGO Challenge 32 10 05/12/24
Bant Ephemerate Sence17 Modern MTGO League 4 04/12/24
The One Ring UW Control Ivc Modern MTGO League 2 03/12/24
The One Ring Azorius Control stefanocanclini Modern MTGO AspiringSpike’s Madness 1 01/12/24
The One Ring Azorius Control TrueHero Modern MTGO Last Chance 13 25/11/24
4-color Omnath Ring Yuri Seyssel Modern AZMS 2024 Invitational @ Primetime Cards and Games (Gilbert, AZ) 2 16/11/24
4c Omnath Ken-ken Modern Gold Rush Trials @ Contemporary Nook (Quezon City, Philippines) 1 16/11/24
The One Ring Omnath Control SomeborY Modern MTGO Challenge 64 10 04/11/24
The One Ring Omnath Control Lippi Modern Super RCQ @ Mont CardShop (Campinas, Brazil) 3-4 26/10/24
UW Control Sonjay B. Modern 2-slots RCQ @ Goblin Games (Manhattan, KS) 2 13/10/24
Martyr Vito Ring Marek Bień Modern 3City League (DSK) #3 @ Sidequest (Gdańsk, Poland) 3 08/10/24
The One Ring Bant TrueHero Modern MTGO Challenge 64 10 01/10/24
The One Azorius Truehero Modern Manatraders Series 33-64 29/09/24
The One Ring Control Biava Riccardo Modern RCQ @ La Rocca di Darsheyalon (Montecatini Terme, Italy) 3-4 29/09/24
The One Ring Jeskai zturchan Modern MTGO Challenge 64 12 14/09/24
The One Ring Control Riccardo Biava Modern 4season Summer Main Event @ ARCI Benassi (Bologna, Italy) 3-4 07/09/24
Gifts Scepter Chant Margin_Call Modern MTGO League 7 01/09/24
Jeskai Ring Frederick Tan Modern RCQ 2-Slot @ Crazy Squirrel Games Store (Fresno, CA) 5-8 31/08/24
4c Control Kiave Modern 12K @ Muito Colecionáveis (Campinas, Brazil) 2 28/07/24
UW Control Matsumura Takuya Modern Cup @ Hareruya (Chiba, Japan) 5-8 27/07/24
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