netdecking with the stars
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32 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Acererak the Archlich Ayrt0n Duel Commander MTGO League 2 09/03/25
Acererak The Archlich Sten Theiss Duel Commander CR Franche Comté @ Besançon (France) 1 02/03/25
Acererak Sten Theiss Duel Commander Open qualifier Franche Comte @ Besançon (France) 3-4 01/03/25
Acererak The Archlich Sébastien Morales Duel Commander FNM Les K'artonnés @ La Teste de Buch (France) 1 21/02/25
Rakdos, the Muscle Raijin cEDH Toptierbangers Money Mondays#29 - Last Commander Standing @ Spelltable 3-4 11/02/25
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician Lopez(glopz) cEDH Max's Mud Pit - Redemption Event @ The Kings Court Gaming (New Bedford, MA) 9-16 12/01/25
Acererak The Archlich Sten Theiss Duel Commander 2# Win a biland @ Magic Knight Fr (Strasbourg, France) 1 08/12/24
Acererak The Archlich Theiss Sten "shrfjtsgi" Duel Commander LTC 8 - Saturday @ Ohlungen (France) 3-4 16/11/24
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician Christopher Whitmore cEDH The Second Tough Mulligans 500 9-16 16/11/24
Rakdos, the Muscle Raijin cEDH Money Mondays @ Top Tier Bangers (Discord / spell table) 2 05/11/24
Rakdos, the Muscle Cj M cEDH Titans Of The Underground @ The Warp Gate (Westerville, OH) 3-4 19/10/24
Rakdos, the Muscle Raijin cEDH Mondays Last Commander Standings @ TopTierBangers - spell table 3-4 07/10/24
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician Jack Wight cEDH Urza’s Saga Anniversary @ Heroes and Villains (Warner Robins, GA) 5-8 06/10/24
Acererak The Archlich Sten Theiss Duel Commander Ligue DC #3 @ Magic Knight Fr (Strasbourg, France) 3-4 03/10/24
Acererak The Archlich Rommel Ian Lagao Duel Commander Holiday Tourney @ Frances Teresa Garden Mansion (Rizal, Philippines) 1 26/08/24
Rakdos, the Muscle Joe Galloway cEDH Jam City @ Oasis Games (Salt Lake City, UT) 3-4 10/08/24
Acererak The Archlich Pan Tai Duel Commander 2nd Story King Cup @ Pengfei(Tianjin,China) 2 03/08/24
Acererak The Archlich Jame Truffaz Duel Commander Emraclette DC #11 @ Chambéry (France) 5-8 14/07/24
Acererak The Archlich Theiss Sten Duel Commander CR Alsace - LTC#7 @ Ohlungen (France) 5-8 15/06/24
Acererak The Archlich Morel Nicolas Duel Commander Open Qualifier CdF @ Temple des Joueurs (Rennes, France) 5-8 11/05/24
Acererak The Archlich James Petznick Duel Commander Win a biland # 1 @ Magic Knight Fr (Strasbourg, France) 2 24/03/24
Acererak The Archlich Sten Theiss Duel Commander Dooz Magic Tournament #4 @ Dooz (Strasbourg, France) 5-8 16/03/24
Acererak the Archlich Frederic Bellon Duel Commander 1/3 Tournoi Split 1 CR @ Ile de la Réunion 1 25/02/24
Acererak The Archlich Aleksandar Perin Duel Commander Regional Megamander @ Akopalipsa (Sombor, Serbia) 5-8 11/06/23
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician Tanner Mcclellan cEDH Salt City 17-32 01/06/23
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