netdecking with the stars
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35 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Evelyn, the Covetous Panupong Kanoglawon cEDH Commander of the Month @ The Tricker (Nonthaburi, Thailand) 9-16 24/02/24
Karlov Of The Ghost Council Matthieu Habersetzer Duel Commander DC Monthly @ Libourne (France) 2 12/06/21
Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis Mats J. Duel Commander [DDL] Lounge League @ Mannheim (Deutschland) 2 02/11/19
Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis Manuel Faber Duel Commander FNM Hiveworld @ Cologne (Germany) 2 04/10/19
Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis Zhang Cang Duel Commander 11th "Pigeon Cup" @ M3 (Shangai, China) 2 18/08/19
Zombie Infestation Tenshi Modern MTGO Modern Challenge 8 16/07/17
Ub Zombies Zachary Brady Standard PPTQ @ Card Kingdom 5-8 29/04/17
Mono Black Aggro thegary86 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 3 14/04/17
Rakdos Aggro AngledLuffa Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 10 24/10/16
Olivia, Mobilized for War Guillaume Morin Duel Commander Trial S&T [20 HP] 5-8 16/10/16
RB battlefly Limited MTGO Sealed SOI Block PTQ 2 12/09/16
RB TeamRevolution Limited MTGO Sealed SOI Block Champ Qual 2 22/08/16
WB I Limited MTGO Sealed SOI Block Champ Qual 2 22/08/16
BW sarahD Limited MTGO Sealed SOI Block Champ Qual 1 20/08/16
BW _goblinlackey Limited MTGO Sealed SOI Block Champ Qual 2 20/08/16
UB santgr11 Limited MTGO Sealed SOI Block Champ Qual 1 18/08/16
BR BeatKK Limited MTGO Sealed SOI Block PTQ 3-4 25/07/16
RB LocrianPink Limited MTGO Sealed SOI Block PTQ 1 11/07/16
GB yadayadayada Limited MTGO Sealed SOI Block PTQ 2 13/06/16
BW duofanel Limited MTGO Sealed SOI Block PTQ 1 30/05/16
GB enntwo Limited MTGO Sealed SOI Block PTQ 5-8 23/05/16
BW luck13 Limited MTGO Sealed SOI Block Champs 7 15/05/16
BW jp0822 Limited MTGO Sealed SOI Block Champ Qual 1 12/05/16
WB asura4 Limited MTGO Sealed SOI Block Champ Qual 2 11/05/16
Rb menteg Limited MTGO Sealed SOI Block Champ Qual 1 11/05/16
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