netdecking with the stars
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54 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Emiel the Blessed Raul Suárez Boi cEDH Cedh Galicia Octubre @ Galicia (Spain) 3-4 19/10/24
Emiel the Blessed Raúl Suárez cEDH cEDH Event @ Impact Weekend 2024 (Spain) 5-8 28/07/24
Ulalek, Fused Atrocity Joseph O'rourke cEDH cEDH Tournament @ WZ Carnival (Shanghai, China) 5-8 29/06/24
Monitor Combo Oujirou Inoue Standard Weekly Standard @ Hareruya 2 03/10/16
Golgari Aristocrats Alessandro Cacciatori Standard PPTQ Fantasylandia - Trieste, Italy 2 03/07/16
4c Rites Lyu Li Ciang Standard Grand Prix Taipei 2016 - Trial Winners 1 24/06/16
4c Rites DarkMonaldson Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 6 19/06/16
4c Rites Brandon Cooper Standard WMCQ Australia 3-4 19/06/16
4c Rites Tobias Rosman-Simionescu Standard WMCQ Canada 7 19/06/16
3 Color Rites Simon Nielsen Standard WMCQ Denmark (Odense) 3-4 19/06/16
4c Rites Matt Rogers Standard WMCQ England 7 19/06/16
4c Rites Philipp Drohberg Standard WMCQ Germany (Magickeller @ Hannover) 5-8 19/06/16
Golgari Aristocrats Marc Tobiash Standard WMCQ Germany (Magickeller @ Hannover) 3-4 19/06/16
4c Rites LordVeldran Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 1 14/06/16
4c Rites Ricardo Sanchez Standard PPTQ Honolulu (Mordor Games) 3-4 05/06/16
Golgari Aristocrats Guido Baccelli Standard PPTQ Black Lotus (Viterbo, Italy) 3-4 05/06/16
4 CC Rites Al Pascual Standard PPTQ Honolulu @ PC Butlers 5-8 04/06/16
4 CC Rites Jan Vincent Tan Standard PPTQ Honolulu @ PC Butlers 5-8 04/06/16
4c Rites tyj26bk Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 3 29/05/16
Four-Color Rites Alfred Pascual Standard PPTQ Honolulu @ Hobby Pro Central (Philippines) 5-8 28/05/16
Four-Color Rites Bob Rico Standard PPTQ Honolulu @ Hobby Pro Central (Philippines) 5-8 28/05/16
Four-Color Rites Martin Marcelo Standard PPTQ Honolulu @ Hobby Pro Central (Philippines) 4 28/05/16
4c Cryptolith Rite Marco Sanhueza Standard PPTQ Honolulu @ Tio Orco 5-8 28/05/16
4c Cryptolith Rite Eduardo Alarcon Standard PPTQ Honolulu @ Tio Orco 3-4 28/05/16
Golgari Aristocrats Wiktor Har Lak Standard Grand Prix Manchester 2016 - Trial Winners 1 27/05/16
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