netdecking with the stars
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42 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Stompy Adrián Recio Pérez Premodern Mensual Liga Granada @ Granada (Spain) 2 23/11/24
Green Infect Matao Pauper FOG 3 @ Rennes (France) 3-4 20/10/24
Stompy Manuel Lopez Premodern VII Liga Madrileña - Jornada 2 @ Madrid (Spain) 9-16 05/10/24
Green Infect Fernando Flora Filho Pauper 10K Grand Tournament @ Mont CardShop (Campinas, Brazil) 33-64 01/09/24
eutral Ground Darkwonyx Duel Commander MTGO Duel League 2 20/08/24
Wilson / Candlekeep Sage Julien Cazenave Duel Commander Big DC : Reserved List @ Relic (Toulouse, France) 5-8 09/08/24
WG Enchant Aggro Pj Priestley Premodern APAC Webcam Season 2 @ Webcam 5-8 30/06/24
Wilson, Refined Grizzly (u Version) Pierre Picot Duel Commander MagicCon 2024 Duel Commander @ Amsterdam (Netherlands) 3-4 29/06/24
Infect Green Pzk Pauper Semanal @ Barao Geek (São Paulo, Brazil) 5-8 19/04/24
Green Infect Izamathanos Pauper MTGO League 4 02/04/24
Simic Infect Matthew Piringer Pauper 1K @ Dragon Master Games (Binghamton, NY) 5-8 28/07/23
G/u Infect Matthew Piringer Pauper 1K @ Dragon Master Games (Binghamton, NY) 5-8 28/07/23
Enchantress Aggro Ramón Soriano Premodern Technoliga Valenciana @ Valencia (Spain) 2 01/07/23
Voltron Pierre Picot Duel Commander Troll Games #9 @ Nieppe (France) 5-8 14/05/23
Gruul infect El_fuego Pauper Fuguete League 117 3-4 19/04/23
Infect Gruul Fabio Garcia Pauper League Finals @ Mineral Games (São Paulo, Brazil) 5-8 17/04/23
Stompy Lionel Low Premodern Society Event @ Singapore 1 02/04/23
Stompy Alvaro Galindo Premodern Beard Brother Open 2 09/03/23
Stompy Eduardo Roland Premodern Argentog - Foratog Edition (#8) 3-4 11/10/22
Green Infect Jankraitos Pauper Fuguete Champ 98 5-8 12/09/22
Green Infect randomchildx Pauper MTGO League 8 31/08/22
Mono Green Infect Jaison A Nascimento Pauper Torneio King IRL @ Joinville SC (Brazil) 5-8 29/07/22
Mono Green Infect Jaison A Nascimento Pauper Torneio King IRL @ Joinville (SC, Brazil) 3-4 27/05/22
Infect Green Arcoverde Pauper Fuguete Champ 82 5-8 23/05/22
Infect Green Kodama Yosuke Pauper Event @ Hareruya (Japan) 3-4 08/05/22
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