netdecking with the stars
If you submitted an event this weekend, please read this.
• Event
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• Decks must contain following cards
Main deck Sideboard
• Period
30 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Azusa Nicolas Erwin Duel Commander Emraclette DC #3 @ Chambéry (France) 5-8 11/06/23
Azusa, Lost But Seeking Nicolas Erwin Duel Commander Emraclette DC #1 @ Chambéry (France) 5-8 26/03/23
Tatyova Gustavo Prol Duel Commander Weekly "Forest Engineer's Day" @ Caverna do Dragão (Santos-SP, Brazil) 5-8 12/07/22
Azusa, Lost But Seeking Antoine Szabo Duel Commander Win a Box @ Dooz (Strasbourg, France) 3-4 12/06/22
Tatyova, Benthic Druid Gustavo Prol Duel Commander WeeklyDC "World No Tobacco Day" @ Caverna do Dragão (Santos-SP, Brazil) 3-4 31/05/22
Uro, Titan Of Nature's Wrath Vojtech Benes Duel Commander Summer Tournament @ (Pardubice) 5 18/07/20
Emmara Guzmán Pelaez Duel Commander Duel Commander Shark Games @ Málaga (Spain) 2 01/03/20
Windgrace Control Andrew Cutshall Duel Commander Saturday DC @ Epic Loot (Centerville Dayton, Ohio) 3-4 09/11/19
Lord Windgrace Yao Yao Duel Commander 88th "New Year Cake" Cup @ Shanghai 2 14/09/19
Azusa Nechaev Vadim Duel Commander League 9 Duel Commander @ Volgo Games 5-8 16/06/19
Titania, Proctector Of Argoth Alex Preuss Bloch Duel Commander Magic Player monthly Duel-tournament 2 24/09/17
Titania, The Bolivian Woods Yawar Duran Duel Commander Liga Duel Commander (Cochabamba, Bolivia) 3-4 21/05/17
Titania, Protector of Argoth Christian Hillebrand Duel Commander Duel In The Castle (Paderborn, Germany) 1 08/01/17
Titania, Protector or Argoth Hugo Gaffet Duel Commander Christmas Tournament Gobl'Ain (Ain, France) 3-4 18/12/16
Titania, Protector of Argoth Vyacheslav Serputko Duel Commander League 3 Citadel - Volgograd 5-8 02/12/16
Uril Jackson Moore Duel Commander Fantasy 20 PV 3-4 06/11/16
Titania, Protector of Argoth Serputko Vyacheslav Duel Commander Duel Commander in Citadel - Volgograd [20HP] 3-4 05/11/16
Titania, Protector of Argoth Vasiliev Vitaly Duel Commander Duel Commander in Citadel - Volgograd [20HP] 5-8 05/11/16
Titania, Protector of Argoth Vasiliev, Vitaly Duel Commander Duel Commander @ Citadel-Volgograd 20hp 2 23/10/16
Azusa, Lost but Seeking Wang Renke Duel Commander Beijing 3531 Cup - 7th [20HP] 1 15/10/16
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds Guillaume Morin Duel Commander Win-a-Box MagicCorporation 3-4 18/09/16
Prime Speaker Zegana Carlos Henrique Silva Duel Commander Duel Commander Mensal 5-8 17/09/16
Radha, Heir to Keld Marco De Pinto Duel Commander Duel Commander Palantir (Molfetta, Italy) 3-4 30/07/16
Titania, Protector of Argoth Vyacheslav Serputko Duel Commander Happy Birthday Citadel - Volgograd 2 30/07/16
Titania, Protector of Argoth Matvey Dolganov Duel Commander Demonic Tournament Commander #7 (Rouen, France) 9-16 09/07/16
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