netdecking with the stars
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241 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Black Eldrazi Jun.I Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 5 10/08/17
Bug Onil Domingo Standard Gameday HOU @ B2G Abu Dhabi 5-8 05/08/17
Golgari Aggro mtgSage Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 2 24/07/17
Rakdos Control littledarwin Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 5 23/07/17
Mono-Black Midrange James Stevens Standard SCG Invitational Qualifier Columbus 5-8 23/07/17
Rakdos Control silenttrigger Standard MTGO Standard PTQ 5-8 22/07/17
Rakdos Control nathansteuer Standard MTGO Standard PTQ 5-8 16/07/17
UB Control Daniel Hamblen Standard SCG Classic - Charlotte 5-8 11/06/17
Ub Control Jack Wines Standard Game Day @ Games BY The Beach 5-8 21/05/17
Bw Control Alexandre Murgey Standard PPTQ@Albion Kortrijk 3-4 06/05/17
Pedro Clavijo Ub Summonings Standard PPTQ Albuquerque @DIvermagic Valencia (Venezuela) 3-4 29/04/17
Eldrazi rakdos SIRMAXIME Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 5 24/04/17
Rakdos Aggro waytooold Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 8 10/04/17
Rakdos Aggro djb06 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 7 31/03/17
Ub Tower Julien Beynier Standard Pptq Kyoto (Aix en Provence, France) 5-8 26/03/17
Rakdos Aggro moleria Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 6 24/03/17
Golgari Eldrazi Dustin Fleming Standard PPTQ Kyoto @ Mulligan's Gaming 3-4 04/03/17
B/g Eldrazi Alan Gingry Standard SCG Classic Indianapolis 3-4 26/02/17
Eldrazi Aggro Felo Medina Standard PPTQ Kyoto @ Divermagic Valencia (Venezuela) 5-8 18/02/17
Ub Summonings Pedro Clavijo Standard PPTQ Kyoto @ Divermagic Valencia (Venezuela) 5-8 18/02/17
UB Control Terrence Rivera Standard Grand Prix Pittsburgh 2017 - Trial Winners 1 10/02/17
Orzhov Eldrazi Midrange Thomas Oppmann Standard GPT Utrecht @ MagicCorporation Paris Bastille 3-4 04/02/17
Golgari Aggro Noll3n Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 10 04/02/17
Golgari Aggro Themata Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 8 02/02/17
Orzhov Eldrazi Daniel Phelps Standard SCG Classic Columbus 5-8 22/01/17
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