netdecking with the stars
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25 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Krenko, Mob Boss Diecast Duel Commander MTGO League 5 08/12/24
Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer Coco Duel Commander Draw7 Masters - Open series #4 @ Thailand 8 15/06/24
Feldonn Thomas Leberon Duel Commander Focus Commander League #8 @ Agen (France) 3-4 21/04/24
Feldonn Thomas Leberon Duel Commander Focus Commander League #7 @ Agen (France) 5-8 03/03/24
Purphoros, God Of The Forge Paulo Victor Duel Commander [RC] Semanal @ Cards of Paradise (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 3-4 04/02/23
Dargo + Silas Yan Bossé Duel Commander Duel de commandants QC #2 @ 3 mana inc (Longueuil, Québec) 3-4 14/01/23
Samut, Voice of Dissent Bruno "bruxão" Duel Commander [RC] 11ª Liga Real Commander @ Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) 5-8 16/12/22
Ur Partners Fred De Macedo Duel Commander [RC] Semanal @ Cards of Paradise (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 3-4 21/06/22
Phylath, World Sculptor Juca Duel Commander RC3 Tower of Card @ Bangu (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) 2 14/05/22
Juri, Master Of The Revue Jamaal Edwards Duel Commander Duel League @ Imperial Comics & Games (Shelby NC) 5-8 02/05/22
Phylath Juca Duel Commander 2 Liga Real Commander @ Bangu (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 1 20/11/21
General Ferrous Rokiric Henrique Langa Duel Commander Edhcwb DC @ Brazil 3 28/08/21
Saheeli, The Gifted Thibault Le Godec Duel Commander Mardi Magic @ Sortilèges (Vannes, France) 3-4 14/07/20
Tajic Korbinian Hengl Duel Commander Nack & Rosa DC @ Pfaffenhofen 8 16/02/20
Zurgo Bellstriker Rex Betita Duel Commander Ka Saturnament: Magic for a Cause (Quezon City, Philippines) 7 05/03/17
Vial Smasher/Tymna Fabian Furtjes Duel Commander Duel In The Castle (Paderborn, Germany) 3-4 08/01/17
Olivia, Mobilized for War Miguel Herrera Duel Commander Clash of Commander Titans 12 (Temuco, Chile) [30HP] 4 06/11/16
Krenko, Mob Boss Adriano De Luca Duel Commander Pescara [30 HP] 1 26/10/16
Olivia, Mobilized for War Miguel Herrera Duel Commander Clash of Commander Titans 8 4 09/10/16
Prossh, Skyraider of Kher Jonathan Bohn Duel Commander Duel Commander FNM - The Collector's Zone 8 12/08/16
Food Chain Prossh Jose Maria Subiela Duel Commander Celaeno Comics - Winter Is Coming (Benidorm, Spain) 2 10/01/15
Keranos, God of Storms Julien Rouar Duel Commander Commander (Libourne) 5-8 30/11/14
Maelstrom Wanderer Andre Escudeiro Duel Commander Game Gate Series 4 (São Paulo, Brazil) 5-8 07/09/14
Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund Garry Ambubuyog Duel Commander Manila Duel Commander July 2012 (Quezon City, Philippines) 5-8 15/07/12
Olivia Voldaren "myrrah" Duel Commander Tournoi chez mémé (Saint-Étienne) 2 08/04/12
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