netdecking with the stars
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31 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Golgari Landloss Leonardo Mattos Pauper LPB 2º Season - 7ª Etapa @ Itajaí (Brazil) 4 17/04/24
LL Reanimator Tiagofuguete Pauper Tropical 170 5-8 17/02/24
Golgari LL Cozmin Bejinari Pauper Lega Granda @ Italy 2 30/01/24
Mono Black Ponza Alberto Ricciardi Pauper 5^ Event Martesana Season 6 @ Magic Nexus (Gessate, Italy) 5-8 18/12/23
Golgari Garden Joe Moody Pauper PGP @ Patriot Games (Sheffield,, UK) 3-4 09/07/23
Skullbriar, The Walking Grave Matheus Brito Duel Commander [RC] 10º Torneio Cachu @ Cahoeiro-ES (Brasil) 3-4 09/07/22
Black Land Loss Paredeebranca Pauper XI Sextooouuu Pauper 2 28/05/21
Golgari Aggro Amilskul Pauper Fuguete League 2.03 1 31/03/21
Mono Black Land Destruction Xisco_moreno Pauper MOS League @ Gatherling 3-4 01/03/21
Monoblack Land Destruction Tarmogoyf_ita Pauper Pauperwave League #2 @ Italy via MTGO 5-8 31/01/21
Black Land Loss Xisco_moreno Pauper FNM @ The Magic Online Society 2 29/01/21
Black Land Loss Bardo Pauper Torneio Especial de Ano Novo @ Duelos de Honra (Online) 2 01/01/21
Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet Lorenzo Paredes Duel Commander DC @ nook (Marikina City, Philippines) 4 13/12/20
Black Land Loss RiuuK1 Pauper MTGO Pauper League 5 15/07/20
Black Land Loss Luís Menezes Pauper 8º Torneio Mol @ Geek Pit 5-8 29/06/20
Mono Black Ld Geraldo Inacio Pauper Liga Jlle @ Joinville (Brazil) 3-4 07/02/20
Rancid Thief Ednilson Carlos (tdog) Pauper Night Event @ Joinville (Brazil) 1 03/01/20
Mono Black Ponza Eleonora Siorpaes Pauper Celebration Pauper @ Padova (Italy) 5-8 02/06/19
Mono B Land Destruction Davide Patacchiola Pauper Pauper Goat @ Top Deck (Porto Sant'Elpidio, Italy) 1 26/05/19
Mono Black Ponza Filippo Boni Pauper PauperOne V3 @ Mana Flask (Brescia, Italy) 5-8 14/04/19
Mono-black Land Destruction Aarron Thomas Pauper Store Credit 1K @ Frogtown Hobbies (Rossford, Ohio) 5-8 22/09/18
Black Land Loss KeranosRed Pauper MTGO Pauper League 4 19/09/18
B haribald Pauper MTGO Pauper League 23/05/18
Zurgo Helmsmasher Gui Tavares Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal - Academia de Jogos 5-8 28/01/16
Mono Black Control Simo Lagerspetz Highlander KuukkaCon (Finland) 5-8 01/03/13
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