netdecking with the stars
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• Decks must contain following cards
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• Period
82 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Boros Tokens François Pechard Modern FNM Les K'artonnés @ La Teste de Buch (France) 2 13/09/24
Tokens Boros François Péchard Modern FNM les Kartonnes @ La Teste de Buch (France) 1 02/08/24
Burn Rafahenrique Modern Assalto Ao Shinu Bank - Rodada 6 @ Shinu Made (Jundiaí, Brazil) 5-8 20/05/24
Boros Convoke davy2892 Modern MTGO Challenge 32 5-8 03/05/24
Boros Convoke karatedom Modern MTGO Challenge 64 3-4 21/04/24
Boros Convoke Manny- Modern MTGO Preliminary 6 21/04/24
Burn Viktor Bernhardt Modern Pyramiden-Cup @ Karlsruhe (Germany) 7 20/01/24
Death And Taxes Antony Benedetti Modern 20k Trial @ Laughing Dragon MTG - MXP Oakland 5-8 01/04/23
Burn Gweltaz Le Roux Modern Event @ Rennes (France) 2 19/03/23
Recommision Elementals Ramon Paoli Modern RCQ @ Gamer Oasis (Harrisonburg, VA) 1 28/01/23
Rdw Ashton Boyer Modern Store Championship @ Darkside Games 5-8 23/10/22
Burn Andres Chico Modern MalzModern #1 @ Berlin Tournament Series 1 24/05/22
Dredge Ooshima Keisuke Modern GW Special @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 06/05/22
Rw Burn James Kemp Modern 1K @ Knights of Thorn Games (Watertown NY) 3-4 26/02/22
RDW Enrique Carlos Gil Morales Modern Mensual Event 3-4 06/02/22
Eldrazi And Taxes Axel Signargout Modern Event @ La Biche (Saint Brice sous Forêt, France) 1 18/09/21
Dredge Purpleplat Modern FNM @ The Dive Down Nation 1 31/07/21
Boros Knights Jojo Francisco Modern Event @ Marikina City (Philippines) 3-4 13/06/21
Boros Land Loss ice_nine_ Modern MTGO Modern League 4 01/06/21
Red Deck Wins Vinicius Troncoso Modern Community League @ The Magic Online Society 3-4 24/05/21
Boros Knights Jojo Francisco Modern Modernan sa TG @ Marikina City (Philippines) 1 02/05/21
Boros Land Loss ice_nine_ Modern MTGO Modern League 2 18/12/20
Boros Hatebears Gtlstarbursts Modern Community League 0.02 @ Gatherling 2 10/12/20
Hatebear 603Leb Modern MTGO Modern League 8 01/12/20
Boros Drazi&taxes Jirouette Modern MTG FR24 @ Discord - Cockatrice 3-4 02/11/20
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