netdecking with the stars
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225 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Aminatou Ricardo Leite Duel Commander TNDC "Lemon Juice Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brazil) 2 29/08/23
Bellatou Guilherme Bellagente Duel Commander Sabadasso Na Spell @ Spellcast (Guarulhos,Brasil) 1 15/04/23
Bellatou Guilherme Bellagente Duel Commander Liga NeoWalkers @ Neowalkers (Guarulhos,São Paulo, Brasil) 4 03/03/23
Aminatou Control Guilherme Bellagente Duel Commander 1K DC @ XPlace (São Paulo,Brasil) 3-4 19/11/22
Aminacontrol Luiz Balio Duel Commander 1K DC House of Cards TCG @ Pinball Zone (Santos, Brasil) 7 22/10/22
Aminatou Guilherme Bellagente Duel Commander FNM O Retorno @ NeoWalkers (Guarulhos,São Paulo, Brasil) 1 21/10/22
Aminatou Victor Bonano Duel Commander Int. Day of Indigenous Peoples @ Caverna do Dragão (Santos-SP, Brasil) 2 09/08/22
Aminatou Thiago Saporito Duel Commander TNDC "National Football Day" @ Caverna do Dragão (Santos-SP, Brazil) 2 19/07/22
Aminatou Thiago Saporito Duel Commander Lucas PPM Birthday Event @ Caverna do Dragão (Santos-SP, Brazil) 2 05/07/22
Aminatou Thiago Saporito Duel Commander "International LGBT Pride Day" @ Caverna do Dragão (Santos-SP, Brazil) 1 28/06/22
Aminatou Fernando "yprincipe" Martin Duel Commander "International LGBT Pride Day" @ Caverna do Dragão (Santos-SP, Brazil) 5-8 28/06/22
Aminacontrol Thiago Saporito Duel Commander World BloodDonor Day Event @ Caverna do Dragão (Santos-SP, Brazil) 1 14/06/22
Aminacontrol Thiago Saporito Duel Commander Weekly DC "Press Freedom Day" @ Caverna do Dragão (Santos-SP, Brazil) 1 07/06/22
Aminatou, The Fateshifter Antoine Lamaud Duel Commander ZAP Double Sunday @ Palaiseau (France) 5-8 20/03/22
Orzhov DOOM Thyshuffler Pioneer MOS March League - 1 @ Gatherling 3-4 07/03/22
Esper DOOM Yorion Lurro 99 Historic Original Challenge @ Vinrael Tournaments 1 29/01/22
Aminatou, The Fateshifter Theo Michaud Duel Commander Trial FACT 2 @ Carta'Jeu (Lyon, France) 3-4 09/01/22
Liesa, Shroud of Dusk Yamanaka Hisashi cEDH Commander Night @ Hareruya (Japan) 6 06/11/21
Aminatou, The Fateshifter Antoine Lamaud Duel Commander FACT #1.b @ Lyon (France) 8 19/09/21
Aminatou Joffrey Herrier Duel Commander Win a Scrubland @ Relic (Toulouse, France) 2 05/09/21
Aminatou Johan Cordonnier Duel Commander Fun with Flags @ Sortilèges (Vannes, France) 3-4 31/08/21
Aminatou, The Fateshifter Antoine Skavout Duel Commander DC Les Chroniques du Commander @ 5-8 26/08/21
Esper Yorion Control manjyui Pioneer MTGO Pioneer Preliminary 1 22/08/21
Orzhov Yorion Midrange Offbeathero Pioneer Event @ The Magic Online Society 1 15/08/21
Esper Yorion manjyui Pioneer MTGO Pioneer Challenge 8 09/08/21
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