netdecking with the stars
If you submitted an event this weekend, please read this.
• Event
• Deck
• Player
• Format
• Level Professional
• Decks must contain following cards
Main deck Sideboard
• Period
30 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Zur, Eternal Schemer Amazingonichan Standard Rapsolo's Arena Tournament 2 10/12/24
Zur, Eternal Schemer Monsimaister28 Standard Rapsolo's Arena Tournament - [Standard FND] 3-4 28/11/24
Mono White Control Amazingonichan Standard Rapsolo's Arena Tournament - [standard Fnd] 2 19/11/24
Orzhov Aggro Owapiu Standard Rapsolo's Arena Tournament - [standard Fnd] 3-4 19/11/24
God-Pharaoh's Gift Control GutoCmtt Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 3 17/09/18
Mono White Angels Leo Andrew Orbe Standard Store Championship M19 @ Back to Games (Abu Dhabi) 3 14/09/18
Mono White Control Herbert Engleitner Standard PPTQ @ XiXa Games (Salzburg) 5-8 27/05/18
Esper Control James Wray Standard WNY Gaming Invitational- STD @ Hamburg NY 2 12/05/18
Mono W Control Eddu Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 6 16/04/18
Mono White Control Travis Lauro Standard SCG Team Open Cincinnati 5-8 24/03/18
Mono White Control Zio_Paperone Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 4 12/03/18
Orzhov Approach Brandon Rea Standard PPTQ @ Dyersville Comics & Games (Dyersville, IA) 1 11/03/18
Orzhov Approach Levi Sowers Standard PPTQ @ Dyersville Comics & Games (Dyersville, IA) 3 11/03/18
Orzhov Control Tonouchi Keita Standard 2nd Tokai King Qualifier (Nagoya, Japan) 1 25/02/18
Esper Control Dustin Meadows Standard PPTQ @ Magic Pro Shop (Denison, TX) 3-4 24/02/18
Selesnya Ramp Aaron Larson Standard Grand Prix Memphis 2018 - Trial Winners 1 23/02/18
Tokens Pxfolio Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 3 12/11/17
Uw Approach Michael Panayiotou Standard Nationals 2017 - Cyprus 3-4 16/09/17
Orzhov Aggro ChanningTaters Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 1 27/08/17
UW Control Tirentu Standard MTGO Standard PTQ #10813602 2 12/08/17
Marvelous Energy Scookie Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 4 10/04/17
Marvelous Energy Scookie Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 2 09/04/17
CopyCat Yariyari Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 7 05/04/17
CopyCat Ranker Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 10 01/02/17
4c Saheeli Santelli Edoardo Standard PPTQ Dak Side (Roma, Italy) 2 29/01/17
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