netdecking with the stars
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26 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Karlov Blackphenix33 Duel Commander DC Geekfest @ Difintel (Bordeaux, France) 4 19/05/24
Amalia Benavides Aguirre Szenimatte Duel Commander Town of Rivers I @ Town of Rivers (Győr, Hungary) 5-8 27/01/24
Kaalia of the Vast Martin Brown cEDH CommandFest Richmond Badge @ Star City Games 4 03/06/22
Teysa Karlov Michael Kozlowski cEDH SCG CON Pittsburgh - Commander Celebration Package @ Star City Games 8 29/04/22
Liesa, Shroud of Dusk Yamanaka Hisashi cEDH Commander Night @ Hareruya (Japan) 6 06/11/21
Abzan Company Ulysse Cleret Modern FR 30 @ Discord 1 07/03/21
Affinity Kevin Julien Modern Modern Libourne is Magic 4 @ Libourne 6 03/02/19
Karlov Of The Ghost Council Domati Duel Commander Tournoi de Noel DC @ Muret 3-4 02/12/18
Edgar Markov Michele Atzeni MTGO Commander MTGO @ LPP Collecting Tournament (Milano,Italy) 4 07/10/17
Karlov Of The Ghost Council Lowell Barton Duel Commander Duel for Masters 2017 (Baguio City, Philippines) 2 01/04/17
Hatebear greasey Modern MTGO Competitive Modern Constructed League 2 17/11/16
Hatebear greasey Modern MTGO Competitive Modern Constructed League 8 17/11/16
Doran, the Siege Tower Matheus Bonella Duel Commander Classificatório Nacional Duel - A Guilda Colecionáveis 1 25/03/16
Hatebear GorkaJon Modern MTGO Modern Constructed League 5 24/01/16
Hatebear Isaac_S Modern MTGO Modern Constructed League 7 20/01/16
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death Akira Osumi Duel Commander Hobby MTG Duel Commander Tournament 1st 1 03/10/15
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death Akira Osumi Duel Commander Hobby MTG FNM Commander Duel Tournament 1 18/09/15
Orzhov Aggro mrwillis2 Standard MTGO Standard Daily (#8217098) 7 01/05/15
BW Warriors Ryan Drabble Standard GPT: Shanghai 1 15/03/15
Orzhov Human VenioEtVinco Standard MTGO Standard Daily (#7218328) 5 22/06/14
Esper Midrange Andy Scalzo Standard TCGplayer Open 5K (Orlando, Florida) 9-16 14/06/14
Orzhov Control Danny Warren Standard States/Champs Mississippi 3 17/05/14
Orzhov Human Josh Barnes Standard States/Champs Ohio 2 17/05/14
Esper Midrange Junyu Li Standard States/Champs S. California 3 17/05/14
Orzhov Human Chris Nighbor Standard States/Champs Wisconsin 1 17/05/14
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