netdecking with the stars
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82 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Bruse Tarl + Yoshimaru Bruno Peres Duel Commander Aberto 1.5K @ Circuito LigaMagic (Brazil) 5-8 15/12/24
Winota, Joiner of Forces Jeremy Lesher cEDH cEDH showdown @ The Bearded Dragon games (Bernardsville, NJ) 5-8 15/12/24
Kellan, The Skullclamp Blooded Kilian "gwath" Boulhaïs Duel Commander DC @ Games Bearer (Brive la Gaillarde, France) 2 15/12/24
Arbaaz Mir Mestres Axel Duel Commander Duel Championship 2024 @ Nexus (Muret, France) 1 15/12/24
Yoshimaru, Ever Faithful Bruno Perez Duel Commander Final CLM Brazil @ LigaFest (São Paulo, Brazil) 3-4 14/12/24
Boros Energy Wesley Dal Modern LCQ 6K @ Circuito LigaMagic (Brazil) 5-8 14/12/24
Winota, Joiner of Forces Brett Bartley cEDH The Comic Dimension Commander Clash 2024 @ Dragon's Hoard (Greensboro, NC) 5-8 14/12/24
Bruse Tarl + Yoshimaru Swimmaf Duel Commander MTGO League 2 11/12/24
Boros Energy pikachuismycompanion Modern MTGO Challenge 32 9 09/12/24
Yoshimaru / Bruse Pablo Medrano Duel Commander DC Christmas Tournament @ Lima (Peru) 9-16 08/12/24
Yoshimaru / Bruse Alfredo Mancheno Duel Commander DC Christmas Tournament @ Lima (Peru) 9-16 08/12/24
Tana + Tymna Ezekial Harber cEDH Battle on the Brazos II! @ Nexus Tcg (Waco, TX) 17-32 07/12/24
Arbaaz Mir Enguerrand Simon-martin Duel Commander Horizons du DC (MKM>FDN) @ Le Cerf Ludique (Rambouillet, France) 1 06/12/24
Bruse Tarl + Yoshimaru Swimmaf Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander League 2 03/12/24
Jeskai Convoke pretzelol236 Standard MTGO Challenge 32 Birds of Paradise 12 02/12/24
Jeskai Convoke thatguy_champ Standard MTGO League 7 02/12/24
Jeskai Convoke Daniele Urso Standard RCQ @ L'Isola Nel Cielo (Cassino, Italy) 5-8 01/12/24
Yoshi / Bruse Samuel Zahorcak Duel Commander Town Of Rivers IV @ Town Of Rivers (Györ, Hungary) 5-8 30/11/24
Borosamaru Jakub Petřik Duel Commander Big Duel - November @ Černý Rytíř (Czech) 5-8 28/11/24
Caesar, Legion's Emperor Raúl García Clavijo cEDH Magic Barcelona - Commander Budget @ Barcelona 5-8 25/11/24
Bruse Tarl + Yoshimaru lb_live Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander League 1 25/11/24
Winota, Joiner Of Forces Michael Gallana cEDH $200 Brewer Masters - II - EDH Tambayan @ Weatherlight (Subang Jaya, Malaysia) 2 23/11/24
Jeskai Convoke jarold9 Standard MTGO Showcase Challenge 12 23/11/24
Boros Energy Mariscal Modern MTGO League 5 19/11/24
Jeskai Convoke Azuma Yoshinori Standard "Emperor of Standard" Pre-event @ TC (Osaka, Japan) 3-4 17/11/24
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