netdecking with the stars
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92 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Marwyn, The Nurturer Syahmi Idlan cEDH $200 Brewer Masters - II - EDH Tambayan @ Weatherlight (Subang Jaya, Malaysia) 9-16 23/11/24
Elves Shortfatfriend Pauper Cup - Pastimes Events @ MagicCon: Las Vegas 5-8 26/10/24
Elves Piergiorgio Mascagna Pauper Lega Viterbo - Tappa #2 - Top 4 @ Dracarys (Viterbo, Italy) 3-4 06/09/24
Voja, Jaws Of The Conclave Paul Coste Duel Commander Horizons du DC (MKM/OTJ) @ Le Cerf Ludique (Rambouillet, France) 1 24/05/24
Voja, Jaws Of The Conclave Paul Coste Duel Commander Duel Commander @ Le Cerf Ludique (Rambouillet, France) 3 26/04/24
Elves Msgthrows Pauper Monthly Tournament #37 @ Paper Pauper Magic Discord 9-16 02/04/24
Voja, Jaws Of The Conclave Paul Coste Duel Commander Horizons du DC (LCI>PIP) @ Le Cerf Ludique (Rambouillet, France) 1 22/03/24
Ezuri Maximilien Potel Duel Commander DC Manafull @ Caen (France) 5-8 18/09/22
Elves Jose Brayner Pauper Geek Primitivo 3-4 18/09/22
Elves Renan Alves Premodern 25º Torneio - TopDeck 2 23/08/22
Ezuri, Renegade Leader Fernando Bonandi Duel Commander [RC] 7º Torneio Cachu @ Espirito Santo (Brasil) 3-4 20/05/22
Elves Renatusvampirus Pauper Duelos de Honra @ Portugal 3-4 15/04/22
Elves Josebrayner Pauper Mol Geek Pit 21.01 2 24/05/21
Elves Julio Sandobal Pauper Event @ Circunloquio (Rosario, Argentina) 4 30/01/21
Elves Jose Brayner Pauper 8º Torneio Mol @ Geek Pit 5-8 29/06/20
Elfos Bruno Borges (dino) Pauper Night Event @ Joinville (Brazil) 2 03/01/20
Elves De Rossi Andrea Pauper Pauper Night @ 16 Games Neverland (Marino, Italy) 3-4 11/12/19
Elves Jose Brayner Pauper Liga @ Geek Pit 1 12/10/19
Elves José Brayner Pauper Liga @ Geek Pit 3-4 28/09/19
Elves Jose Brayner Pauper Liga Pauper @ Geek Pit 2 14/09/19
Elves Federico Luglio Pauper Celebration Pauper @ Padova (Italy) 3-4 02/06/19
Elves Karn_Inebriated Pauper MTGO Pauper League 6 19/09/18
Elves Raiten Pauper MTGO Pauper League 6 30/05/18
Mono Green Aggro Carlos De Lucas Pauper 6ª Liga Pauper Madrid #6 7 24/02/18
Elves tedlyted Pauper MTGO Pauper League 2 19/12/17
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